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                           Trustworthy Global Computing 2007
Workshop on the Interplay of Programming Languages and Cryptography
                                       November 5-7, 2007
                                   Sophia-Antipolis, France


TGC'07 - Call for Participation


Apologies for a multiple messages.


*Scope of the Conference*

The Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing is an international
annual venue dedicated to safe and reliable computation in global
computers. It focuses on providing tools and frameworks for
constructing well-behaved applications and for reasoning about their
behaviour and properties in models of computation that incorporate
code and data mobility over distributed networks with highly dynamic
topologies and heterogeneous devices.


The symposium will be hosted by INRIA Sophia-Antipolis Méditerranée

The location is in the south of France. The nearest airport is NICE
(French Riviera).

Please check the webpage for more information about accommodation and
travel help http://www-sop.inria.fr/everest/tgc/tgc07/?Venue



Online registration can be made at:


240 Euros for conference and workshop only (November 5-6-7)

320 Euros for conference (and workshop) and project reviews (November 5-9)

80 Euros for project review only (November 7-9)

*Conference Program*

MONDAY, November 5


* *Invited talk*. Martin Hofmann (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
  München). Ghost variables, resources, and object invariants in
  program logics
  * Benjamin Grégoire and Jorge Luis Sacchini. Combining a
  Verification Condition Generator for a Bytecode Language with
  Static Analyses

* Wide Hogenhout,  European Commission. ICT forever yours


* Pierre Crégut. Extracting control from data: user interfaces of
  MIDP applications

* Patryk Czarnik and Aleksy Schubert. Extending operational
  semantics of the Java bytecode

* Flemming Nielson, Hanne Riis Nielson, Joerg Bauer, Christoffer
  Rosenkilde Nielsen and Henrik Pilegaard. Relational Analysis for
  Delivery of Services


* *Invited talk*.- Jeff Magee (Imperial College). Web Service
  Composition: from Analysis to Autonomy

* Liquori Luigi and Cosnard Michel, Logical Networks. Towards
  Foundations of Programmable Overlay Networks and Overlay Computing


* Tom Murphy, Karl Crary and Robert Harper. Type-safe Distributed
  Programming with ML5

* Maria Grazia Buscemi and Hernan Melgratti. Transactional Service
  Level Agreement

* Romain Demangeon, Daniel Hirschkoff, Naoki Kobayashi and Davide
  Sangiorgi. On the complexity of termination inference for processes

*18.30-- 21:00*: *Reception and buffet (at INRIA)*

TUESDAY November 6


* *Invited talk*. Andrew D. Gordon (Microsoft Research). Baltic:
  Service Combinators for Farming Virtual Machines

* Kurt Dietrich, Martin Pirker, Tobias Vejda, Ronald Tögl, Peter
  Lipp and Thomas Winkler. A Practical Approach for Establishing
  Trust Relationships between Remote Platforms using Trusted Computing

* Andrew Cirillo and James Riely. A Calculus for Access Control in
  Trusted Computing Platforms


* Roberto Bruni, Alberto Lluch Lafuente, Ugo Montanari and Emilio
  Tuosto. Service Oriented Architectural Design

* Mario Bravetti, Stephen Gilmore, claudio guidi and Mirco
  Tribastone. Replicating Web Services for Scalability

* Ashok Argent-Katwala, Jeremy Bradley, Allan Clark and Stephen
  Gilmore. Location-aware quality of service measurements


* Eduardo Bonelli and Adriana Compagnoni, Multipoint. Session Types
  for a Distributed Calculus

* Mariangiola Dezani, Ugo de' Liguoro and Nobuko Yoshida. On
  Progress for Structured Communications

* Ricardo Corin and Pierre-Malo Deniélou. A Protocol Compiler for
  Secure Sessions in ML


* Ilja Tshahhirov and Peeter Laud. Application of Dependency Graphs
  to Security Protocol Analysis

* Arnab Roy, Anupam Datta and John Mitchell. Formal proofs of
  cryptographic security of Diffie-Hellman-based protocols

* Aybek Mukhamedov and Mark Ryan. Anonymity Protocol with Identity
  Escrow and Analysis in the Applied Pi-calculus

WEDNESDAY November 7 (included in conference registration fees)

*Workshop on the Interplay of Programming Languages and Cryptography 



Program Chairs

* Gilles Barthe (INRIA)
* Cédric Fournet (Microsoft Research)

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