[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
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[Apologies for multiple mailings.  This announcement is likely to be of 
interest to subscribers of various lists]

[Please circulate to colleagues who might be interested in main 
conference or satellite events]

                      CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                           FST TCS 2007
Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
                    India International Centre
                         New Delhi, India
                       December 12-14, 2007

IARCS, the Indian Association for Research in Computing Science,
invites you to participate in the 27th annual conference on
Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science
(FST TCS 2007) in New Delhi. The FSTTCS conference is a forum for
presenting original results in foundational aspects of Computing
Science and Software Technology, and is attended by leading
researchers in the field.


      Maurice Herlihy         Brown University
      Benjamin C. Pierce      University of Pennsylvania
      Thomas W. Reps          University of Wisconsin-Madison
      Salil Vadhan            Harvard University
      Andrew Chi-Chih Yao     Tsinghua University


* Satellite Workshop on Compiler Techniques and Applications
11 December 2007 at IIT Delhi
* Felicitation of Prof. Priti Shankar

* Satellite Workshop on BioInformatics and Systems Biology
15 December 2007 at IIT Delhi
* Felicitation of Prof. S. N. Maheshwari

* Quantum Information Processing Workshop (QIP 2008)
17-21 December 2007 at India International Centre


Early registration: 15 November 2007 or earlier
Advance registration: 10 December 2007 or earlier
After the advance registration date, registration will be on site only.

Registration site (for conference and satellite workshops)


Programme Committee Co-Chairs
      V. Arvind       (IMSc, Chennai)
      Sanjiva Prasad  (IIT Delhi)

Organizing Committee
      Amit Kumar      (IIT Delhi)
      Naveen Garg     (IIT Delhi)

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