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            The Second International Summer School on
                      Trends in Concurrency
                           TiC 2008

                    Prague, Czech Republic
                       June 22-27, 2008

   Concurrency is a pervasive and essential characteristic of modern
   computer systems. Whether it is the design of new hyper-threading
   techniques in computer architectures, specification of non-blocking
   data structures and algorithms, implementation of scalable computer
   farms for handling massive data sets, or the design of a robust
   software architecture for distributed business processes, a deep
   understanding of mechanisms and foundations for expressing and
   controlling concurrency is required.  Recent architectural advances
   in multi-core and many-core architectures have made this an essential
   topic for any serious student of computer science.

   This summer school will bring together outstanding researchers from
   academia and industry to discuss current research and future trends
   in concurrent systems design and implementation.  All instructors
   have had significant impact in the area of concurrency, and play
   an active role in substantial ongoing research and commercial

   The speakers include the following researchers.

      - Byron Cook, Microsoft Research
      - Neal Glew, intel Research
      - Jan-willem Maessen, Sun Laboratories.
      - Martin Odersky, EPFL.
      - Vivek Sarkar, Rice University.
      - Peter Sewell, Cambridge University.

   Additional information is available from:


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