[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

[Update:  The invited speakers for FOOL '08 will be Gilad Bracha
and Jeremy Siek; the titles of their talks are listed below.]

                         CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                      2008 International Workshop
                Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages

                                FOOL '08
                        Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN

                            January 13, 2008
                     San Francisco, California, USA
                           Following POPL '08

The search for sound principles for object-oriented languages has
given rise to much work during the past two decades, leading to a
better understanding of the key concepts of object-oriented languages
and to important developments invited type theory, semantics, program
verification, and program development. The FOOL workshops bring
together researchers to share new ideas and results in these areas.

The next workshop, FOOL '08, will be held in San Francisco,
California, on Saturday January 13, 2008, the day after POPL '08.
Eight contributed papers will be presented, and two invited talks.

To register for the workshop, use the standard POPL registration form,
available through:


The POPL early registration deadline ends ****December 13th****.
Please make your hotel arrangements as soon as possible.

To keep down the cost of registration, we will not be providing
printed proceedings. All papers will be available online before the
workshop, so you may print the papers you wish to have on hand.



Newspeak: Not just for English Socialists Anymore
    Gilad Bracha

Gradual Typing with Inference
    Jeremy Siek


OOMatch: Pattern Matching as Dispatch in Java
    Adam Richard and Ondrej Lhotak

Type Safe Nondeterminism - A Formal Semantics of Java Threads
    Andreas Lochbihler

A Unified Framework for Verification Techniques for Object Invariants
    Sophia Drossopoulou, Adrian Francalanza and Peter Mueller

Safe Type-level Abstraction in Scala
    Adriaan Moors, Frank Piessens and Martin Odersky

A Step-indexed Semantics of Imperative Objects
    Catalin Hritcu and Jan Schwinghammer

Computational Soundness and Adequacy for Typed Object Calculus
    Johan Glimming

Ownership Type Systems and Dependent Classes
    Werner Dietl and Peter Mueller

A Theory of Linear Objects
    Matthew Kehrt and Jonathan Aldrich


Program Committee:

   Jonathan Aldrich  (Carnegie Mellon University)
   Susan Eisenbach   (Imperial College)
   Manuel Fahndrich  (Microsoft Research)
   Cormac Flanagan   (University of California, Santa Cruz)
   Matthew Flatt     (University of Utah)
   Jacques Garrigue  (Nagoya University)
   Atsushi Igarashi  (Kyoto University)  [Chair]
   Matthew Parkinson (University of Cambridge)
   Julian Rathke     (University of Southampton)
   Frank Tip         (IBM)
   Tobias Wrigstad   (Stockholm University)


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