[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
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       European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
                 July 7--11, 2008, Paphos, Cyprus

                     Deadline April 1st 2008

ECOOP is pleased to offer a number of opportunities for student
volunteers, who are vital to the efficient operation and continued
success of the conference each year. The student volunteer program
is a chance for students from around the world to participate in
the conference whilst assisting us in preparing and running the
event. We strongly encourage students to become involved in the
ECOOP student volunteer program.

Job assignments include assisting with technical sessions,
workshops, tutorials and panels, checking badges at doors,
operating the information desk, helping with traffic flow, and
general assistance to keep ECOOP running smoothly.

In return, volunteers are granted free registration to the
conference and (duties, space, and specific requirements
permitting) free access to ECOOP plenary sessions, tutorials,
workshops, and demos.

Student should be in Paphos two days before the conference, that is 
from July 5th, to help with preparations and with the conference
take-down on July 11th.

Applications should be submitted by April 1st, 2008. More
information on student volunteering is available at

    Tobias Wrigstad
    Student Volunteer Chair

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