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[Apologies for multiple copies]

                         CALL FOR Posters/Demos

          22nd European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
                            Paphos, Cyprus
                        July 7th - 11th, 2008


POSTERS: http://2008.ecoop.org/poster.html

A poster submission should include a short description of 
the poster content suitable for evaluation and a one paragraph 
summary (from 70 to 150 words) of the poster suitable  for 
inclusion in the conference guide. It should be written in 
English, and be not longer than 2 pages. It should be submitted 
as a pdf or postscript file via email to poster chair:
Anna Philippou: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DEMONSTRATIONS: http://2008.ecoop.org/demo.html

To submit a demonstration, please email a one page textual outline, 
or 1-2 page outline with figures, to the demonstrations chair: 
Anna Philippou: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You must also indicate the type of demonstration: research prototype, 
open source software system, commercial product, other (please explain).

Accepted demonstrations will be required to provide a brief (200-400 word) 
textual description of the demo for the conference guide.


The initial deadline for posters/demos is June 6th. 
Requests received by that date will be responded to June 13th. 
Thereafter, submissions will still be accepted until such 
time as all slots are filled.


Dave Clarke,
ECOOP 2008 Publicity Chair

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