[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

The Department of Computer Science of the University of Bologna (Italy)
has a fairly large group in programming language theory, including
type theory and logic in Computer Science.

The PhD Program in CS (see
http://www.cs.unibo.it/en/research/grad/ )
has a position reserved for non Italian students.

Deadline for applications is Sept 18th 2008. Courses will start in  
January 2009.
The position is funded through a scholarship of 1000 Euro/month  
(after tax).

For non Italian students the examination is based only on their vita and
reference letters. Prospective students are encouraged to contact a  
member of
the faculty in advance.

Information (in Italian) on application procedures are at
and some English instructions are here:

Simone Martini
Director of the PhD Program in CS
Simone Martini                          tel: +39 051 2094979
Universita' di Bologna                  fax: +39 051 2094510
Dip. di Scienze dell'Informazione
Mura Anteo Zamboni, 7
40127 Bologna BO                        www.cs.unibo.it/~martini

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