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The IT University of Copenhagen has announced vacant PhD scholarships starting in February 2009. The full text can be seen at:


Some of these scholarships are partly awarded by the recently granted VKR Center of Excellence, MT-Lab (http://www.mt-lab.dk/).

MT-LAB being a cooperative project with researchers from The Technical University of Denmark, Aalborg University, and The IT University of Copenhagen, will develop powerful computational methods and algorithms for the analysis of discrete, stochastic and continuous properties. This will result in new methods, techniques and software tools that can be used to guarantee complex properties of systems.

We expect that the part of the project primarily carried at ITU will emphasize calculi for mobility and analysis of stochastic models. Other inspiration can be found at http://www.mt-lab.dk (go to Research Plan).

An application has to contain a detailed project proposal developed by the applicant. In our experience it is best, if a prospective applicants contacts us directly and collaborates with us on constructing the application.

It is expected that during the project period the phd students will interact a lot with the other partners in the project, including longer visits in prof. Larsen's and prof. Nilson's groups at AAU and DTU respectively. At ITU the project will be placed in the Concurrency and Mobility research group, which includes assoc. prof. Jens Christian Godskesen, assoc. prof. Andrzej Wasowski and assoc. prof. Thomas Hildebrandt, and itself is a part of the Programming, Logics and Semantics Group (http://www.itu.dk/research/pls/wiki/index.php/Main_Page).

In Denmark a PhD scholarship covers both living expenses (a salary), the tuition, and any expenses needed to execute the research project. The deadline for applications is on October 10th, at 12:00 CET.

Andrzej Wąsowski, PhD, http://www.itu.dk/~wasowski/
Associate professor, head of MSc Programme on Software Development
Software Development Group | Programming, Logic and Semantics Group
IT University, Rued Langgaards Vej 7, 2300 Copenhagen, Denmark
office 3C08, phone +45 7218 5086, fax +45 7218 5001

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