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                 FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS: ETAPS 2009

  European Joint Conferences on Theory And Practice of Software

                       March 22 - March 29, 2009

                         York, United Kingdom


****  DL Abstract: October 2;      DL full paper : October 9 ****

***************** These deadlines are STRICT ********************



The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
(ETAPS) is the primary European forum for academic and industrial
researchers working on topics relating to Software Science. ETAPS,
established in 1998, is a confederation of five main annual confe-
rences, accompanied by satellite workshops and other events. ETAPS
2009 is already the twelfth event in the series.


Rajeev Alur (UPenn, USA)
Jean-Marc Eber (Paris, France)
Stephen Gilmore (Edinburgh, UK)
Steven Miller (Rockwell Collins, USA)
John Reynolds (CMU, USA)
Vivek Sarkar (Rice, USA)
Wolfgang Thomas (RWTH Aachen, Germany)


- CC:      International Conference on Compiler Construction
           ( http://www.brics.dk/~mis/CC2009/ )

- ESOP:    European Symposium on Programming
           ( http://esop09.pps.jussieu.fr )

- FASE:    Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
           ( http://www.pst.ifi.lmu.de/fase2009/ )

- FOSSACS: Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures
           ( http://fossacs09.soe.ucsc.edu/ )

- TACAS:   Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
           ( http://www.embedded.rwth-aachen.de/tacas2009/ )


02 October 2008:   Submission deadline for abstracts (strict)
09 October 2008:   Submission deadline for full papers (strict)
12 December 2008:  Notification of acceptance/rejection
05 January 2009:   Camera-ready versions due (strict)
22-29 March 2009:  ETAPS 2009


ETAPS conferences accept two types of contributions: research papers
and tool demonstration papers. Both types will appear in the
proceedings and have presentations during the conference. Submitted
papers must be in English presenting original research. They must be
unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere (neither
conference nor journal). In particular, simultaneous submission of the
same contribution to multiple ETAPS conferences is forbidden. One
author of each accepted paper must attend the conference to present
the paper.

Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF (preferably) or PS
(using Type 1 fonts), following the instructions on the conferences'
web sites. The proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Final papers will be in the
format specified by Springer-Verlag at the URL:


Submissions not adhering to the specified format and length may be
rejected immediately, without review.


Papers must not be more than 15 pages long (including figures and
references). Additional material intended for the referee but not for
publication in the final version - for example details of proofs - may
be placed in a clearly marked appendix that is not included in the
page limit. ETAPS referees are at liberty to ignore appendices, and
papers must be understandable without them.


Submissions should consist of two parts:

- The first part, at most four pages, should describe the tool
   presented. Please include the URL of the tool (if available) and
   provide information which illustrates the maturity and robustness of
   the tool. (This part will be included in the proceedings.)

- The second part, at most six pages, should explain how the
   demonstration will be carried out and what it will show, including
   screen dumps and examples. (This part will be not be included in the
   proceedings, but will be evaluated.)

Please note that FOSSACS does not accept tool demonstration papers.


The ETAPS 2009 satellite events comprise workshops and tutorials which
will be held on the Sunday (March 22) before and the Saturday/Sunday
(March 28/29) after the main conferences.


   - ACCAT:     Applied and Computational Category Theory
   - ARSPA-WITS:        Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis &
                Issues in the Theory of Security
   - Bytecode:  Bytecode Semantics, Verification, Analysis and
   - COCV:      Compiler Optimization Meets Compiler Verification
   - COMPASS:   Correctness, Modeling, and Performance of Aerospace
   - FESCA:     Formal Engineering Approaches to Components and
   - FInCo:     Foundations of Interactive Computation
   - FORMED:    Formal Methods in Computer Science Education
   - GaLoP:     Games for Logics and Programming Languages
   - GT-VMT:    Graph Transformation and Visual  Modeling Techniques
   - HFL:       Hardware Design using Functional Languages
   - LDTA:      Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications
   - LSCITS:    Large Scale Complex IT Systems
   - MBT:       Model-Based Testing
   - MLQA:      Models and Logics for Quantitative Analysis
   - OpenCert:  Foundations and Techniques for Open Source Software
   - PLACES:    Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and
                Communication-cEntric Software
   - QAPL:      Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages
   - RC:                Reversible Computation
   - SafeCert:  Certification of Safety-Critical Software Controlled
   - TAASN:     Theory and Applications of Abstraction, Substitution
                and Naming
   - TERMGRAPH: Computing with Terms and Graphs
   - VAMP:      Verification and Analysis of Multi-threaded Java-like
   - WING:      Invariant Generation


   - Complete and Exhaustive Testing Techniques
   - Formal Foundations for Verifying Security-Critical Software
   - Retrenchment: Straddling formal refinement and the real world
   - Verification-centric Development in Java with JML and ESC/Java2

Additional information about satellite events is available on the
ETAPS web pages and will be updated periodically:


-- YORK --

The City of York combines evidence of a history going back to Roman
times, tourist attractions, and a bustling modern city centre. York
Minster, on a site that has been the city's focus in Roman, Norman and
modern times, is among the finest Gothic cathedrals and dominates the
city. The Viking past is represented by preserved archaeological
remains and reconstructed settlements in the world-famous Jorvik
Centre. Since the nineteenth century, York has been a railway city and
houses the National Railway Museum, with its stunning collection of
locomotives, carriages and railway memorabilia. York is the ancient
administrative capital of northern England and is at the heart of the
county of Yorkshire, dominating the Vale of York. To the west, the
Pennines provide beautiful scenery and outdoor activities, whilst to
the East, the Yorkshire Moors hold many beauty spots. There are local
transport connections to East Coast resorts of Scarborough, Whitby and
Robin Hoods Bay.

For more information, please visit York's tourism website:



ETAPS 2009 is organised by the Department of Computer Science at the
University of York, UK.

For further information, do not hesitate to contact the Local
Organisers at the following address:

etaps-organisers -AT- cs.york.ac.uk


Bob French, Jeremy Jacob, Gerald Luettgen (Chair), John McDermid,
Simon O'Keefe, Richard Paige, Fiona Polack, Colin Runciman,
Ginny Wilson, Alan Wood.

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