[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

           November 19-21 2008
   175, rue Chevaleret, 75013 PARIS, France

  This workshop is devoted to structural proof theory questions, from
  the design of deduction systems for various logics (classical,
  intuitionistic, modal, etc.), to the computational interpretations of
  proofs through cut-elimination, proof-search, proof complexity. There
  will be 4 invited talks and the rest of the program will consist of
  contributed talks and discussions.

  The workshop is open to everyone interested. All proposals of
  contributed talks are welcome, including works in progress and
  discussions of open problems.

  If you intend to give a talk or simply participate, please let us know
  by sending an email to parigot [at] pps [dot] jussieu [dot] fr.

  For more informations see http://www.pps.jussieu.fr/~parigot/SPT-2008.html

  The previous workshop of this kind was a small workshop of the research
  project Types, many topics of the workshop are related to Type Theory 
and many
  participant are members of Types.

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