[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
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*                  ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium                     *
*                             on                                    *
*               Principles of Programming Languages                 *
*                                                                   *
*                     January 21-23, 2009                           *
*                   Savannah, Georgia, USA                          *
*                                                                   *
*                    Call for Participation                         *
*                                                                   *
*                http://www.cs.ucsd.edu/popl/09                     *

Important dates

* Hotel reservation deadline: December 18, 2008
* Early registration deadline: December 19, 2008
* Conference: January 21-23, 2009


   All the conference events will take place at the Hyatt Regency
Savannah. We encourage attendees to stay at the conference
hotel. Information about the hotel can be found on the POPL web page:



   The annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages is a
forum for the discussion of fundamental principles and important
innovations in the design, definition, analysis, transformation,
implementation and verification of programming languages, programming
systems, and programming abstractions. Both experimental and
theoretical papers are welcome.

Preliminary Program 

A preliminary program can be found at the end of this email in text
format, or it can be found here:


Program Highlights

   Invited speakers: 
     * Tim Harris, Microsoft Research, UK
     * Chris Barker, NYU, USA
     * Alex Simpson, University of Edinburgh, UK

   Panel: Grand Challenges in Programming Languages
     * Kathryn McKinley, University of Texas at Austin, USA
     * Greg Morrisett, Harvard University, USA
     * Xavier Leroy, INRIA, France
     * Simon Peyton-Jones, Microsoft Research, UK
     * Martin Rinard, MIT, USA

Student Attendees

   Students who have a paper accepted for the conference are offered
SIGPLAN student membership free for one year. As members of SIGPLAN
they may apply for travel fellowships from the PAC fund

General Chair:
     Zhong Shao
     Department of Computer Science
     Yale University

Program Chair:
     Benjamin C. Pierce 
     Department of Computer & Information Science
     University of Pennsylvania

Program Committee: 
     Andrew Appel          Princeton University
     Anindya Banerjee      Kansas State University
     Nick Benton           Microsoft
     Bruno Blanchet        CNRS, Ecole Normale Superieure & INRIA
     James Cheney          Edinburgh University
     Matthew Flatt         University of Utah
     Giorgio Ghelli        University of Pisa
     Masahito Hasegawa     Kyoto University
     Hugo Herbelin         INRIA
     Michael Hicks         University of Maryland, College Park
     Martin Hofmann        Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Munich
     Susan Horwitz         University of Wisconsin
     Tony Hosking          Purdue University
     John Hughes           Chalmers University of Technology
     Atsushi Igarashi      Kyoto University
     Patricia Johann       Rutgers University
     James Leifer          INRIA
     Jens Palsberg         UCLA
     Leaf Petersen         Intel
     Frank Pfenning        Carnegie Mellon University
     Benjamin Pierce       University of Pennsylvania
     Sriram Rajamani       Microsoft
     David Sands           Chalmers University of Technology
     Guy Steele            Sun Microsystems
     Mitch Wand            Northeastern University

Affiliated Events

(more details here: http://www.cs.ucsd.edu/popl/09/#AffiliatedEvents)

* DAMP: Declarative Aspects of Multicore Programming
    * January 20, 2009 

* PLPV: Programming Languages meets Program Verification
    * January 20, 2009 

* FOOL: Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages
    * January 24, 2009 

* PADL: Practical Applications of Declarative Languages
    * January 19-20, 2009 

* PEPM: Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation
    * January 19-20, 2009 

* PLAN-X: Programming Language Technologies for XML
    * January 24, 2009 

* TLDI:Types in Language Design and Implementation
    * January 24, 2009 

* Twelf tutorial: Mechanizing Metatheory with LF and Twelf
    * January 19, 2009 

* VMCAI:Verification Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation
    * January 18-20, 2009 

Preliminary Program

* WEDNESDAY, January 21, 2009

** Invited talk: Tim Harris, Microsoft Research, UK
(Session chair: Benjamin C. Pierce, University of Pennsylvania)
9:00 - 10:00

** CONCURRENCY     (Session chair: Antony Hosking, Purdue University)
10:30 - 11:30

*** A Calculus of Atomic Actions   
  Tayfun Elmas, Koc University
  Shaz Qadeer, Microsoft Research
  Serdar Tasiran, Koc University

*** Proving that non-blocking algorithms don't block       
  Alexey Gotsman, University of Cambridge
  Byron Cook, Microsoft Research
  Matthew Parkinson, University of Cambridge
  Viktor Vafeiadis, Microsoft Research

*** A Model of Cooperative Threads 
  Martin Abadi, Microsoft and UCSC
  Gordon Plotkin, University of Edinburgh and Microsoft

** TYPES I     (Session chair: James Cheney, University of Edinburgh)
12:00 - 1:00

*** Static Contract Checking for Haskell   
  Dana N. Xu, University of Cambridge, 
  Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research
  Koen Claessen, Chalmers University of Technology

*** Masked types for sound object initialization   
  Xin Qi, Cornell University
  Andrew C. Myers, Cornell University

*** Flexible types: Robust type inference for first-class polymorphism     
  Daan Leijen, Microsoft Research

** MEDLEY I     (Session chair: Frank Pfenning, CMU, USA)
2:30 - 3:30

*** Modular Code Generation from Synchronous Block Diagrams: 
    Modularity vs. Code Size      
 Roberto Lublinerman, The Pennsylvania State University
 Christian Szegedy, Cadence Research Laboratories
 Stavros Tripakis, Cadence Research Laboratories

*** Formal Certification of Code-Based Cryptographic Proofs
 Gilles Barthe, 
        IMDEA Software, Madrid and Microsoft Research - INRIA Joint Centre
 Benjamin Gregoire, 
        INRIA Sophia Antipolis and Microsoft Research - INRIA Joint Centre
 Santiago Zanella, 
        INRIA Sophia Antipolis and Microsoft Research - INRIA Joint Centre

*** Verifying Liveness for Asynchronous Programs   
  Pierre Ganty, UC Los Angeles
  Rupak Majumdar, UC Los Angeles
  Andrey Rybalchenko, MPI SWS

** STATIC ANALYSIS I     (Session chair: Jens Palsberg, UCLA, USA)
4:00 - 5:00

*** A Foundation for Flow-Based Program Matching 
    Using Temporal Logic and Model Checking   
  Julien Brunel, DIKU, University of Copenhagen
  Damien Doligez, INRIA, Gallium Project
  Rene Rydhof Hansen, Aalborg University
  Julia L. Lawall, DIKU, University of Copenhagen
  Gilles Muller, Ecole des Mines de Nantes

*** SPEED: Precise and Efficient Static Estimation of 
    Program Computational Complexity     
  Sumit Gulwani, Microsoft Research
  Krishna Mehra, Microsoft Research
  Trishul Chilimbi, Microsoft Research

*** Automatic modular abstractions for linear constraints  
  David Monniaux, CNRS / VERIMAG


*** Panel: Grand Challenges in Programming Languages
5:15 - 6:15    (Session chair: Andrew Appel, Princeton University, USA)
  Kathryn McKinley, University of Texas at Austin, USA
  Greg Morrisett, Harvard University, USA
  Xavier Leroy, INRIA, France
  Simon Peyton-Jones, Microsoft Research, UK
  Martin Rinard, MIT, USA


* THURSDAY, January 22, 2009

** Invited talk: Chris Barker, NYU, USA
(Session chair: Mitchell Wand, Northeastern University, USA)
9:00 - 10:00

(Session chair: Patricia Johann, University of Strathclyde)
10:30 - 11:30

*** Lazy Evaluation and Delimited Control  
  Ronald Garcia, Indiana University
  Andrew Lumsdaine, Indiana University
  Amr Sabry, Indiana University

*** Bidirectionalization for Free! (Pearl) 
  Janis Voigtlander, Technische Universitat Dresden

*** The Third Homomorphism Theorem on Trees: 
    Downward & Upward Lead to Divide-and-Conquer  
  Akimasa Morihata, University of Tokyo
  Kiminori Matsuzaki, University of Tokyo
  Zhenjiang Hu, National Institute of Informatics
  Masato Takeichi, University of Tokyo

** MEDLEY II    (Session chair: Martin Hofmann, LMU, Munich, Germany)
12:00 - 1:00

*** A Cost Semantics for Self-Adjusting Computation
  Ruy Ley Wild, Carnegie Mellon University
  Umut A. Acar, Toyota Technological Institute
  Matthew Fluet, Toyota Technological Institute

*** Copy-on-Write in the PHP Language      
  Akihiko Tozawa, IBM Tokyo Research Lab.
  Michiaki Tatsubori, IBM Tokyo Research Lab.
  Tamiya Onodera, IBM Tokyo Research Lab.
  Yasuhiko Minamide, Tsukuba University

*** Feedback-Directed Barrier Optimization in a Strongly Isolated STM      
  Nathan Bronson, Stanford CS
  Christos Kozyrakis, Stanford CS
  Kunle Olukotun, Stanford CS

(Session chair: Michael Hicks, University of Maryland, College Park)
2:30 - 3:30

*** Semi-Sparse Flow-Sensitive Pointer Analysis    
 Ben Hardekopf, The University of Texas at Austin
 Calvin Lin, The University of Texas at Austin

*** A Combination Framework for Tracking Partition Sizes   
  Sumit Gulwani, Microsoft Research
  Tal Lev-Ami, Tel-Aviv University
  Mooly Sagiv, Tel-Aviv University

*** The Theory of Deadlock Avoidance via Discrete Control  
  Yin Wang, Discrete Event Systems Lab, U. Michigan EECS
  Scott Mahlke, Advanced Computer Architecture Lab, U. Michigan EECS
  Stephane Lafortune, Discrete Event Systems Lab, U. Michigan EECS
  Terence Kelly, HP Labs
  Manjunath Kudlur, Advanced Computer Architecture Lab, U. Michigan EECS

(Session chair: Anindya Banerjee, Kansas State University and IMDEA-SW, Madrid)
4:00 - 5:00

*** Equality Saturation: a new Approach to Optimization    
  Ross Tate, UC San Diego
  Michael Stepp, UC San Diego
  Zachary Tatlock, UC San Diego
  Sorin Lerner, UC San Diego

*** Positive Supercompilation for a higher order call-by-value language    
  Peter A. Jonsson, Lulea University of Technology
  Johan Nordlander, Lulea University of Technology

*** Compositional Shape Analysis by means of Bi-Abduction
  Cristiano Calcagno, Imperial College, London
  Dino Distefano, Queen Mary, University of London
  Peter O'Hearn, Queen Mary, University of London
  Hongseok Yang, Queen Mary, University of London

*** Program Chair's report and announcement of POPL 2010
5:00 - 5:30
  Benjamin C. Pierce, University of Pennsylvania, USA
  Manuel Hermenegildo, IMDEA-Software and T.U. of Madrid, Spain
  Jens Palsberg, UCLA, USA


* FRIDAY, January 23, 2009

** Invited talk: Alex Simpson, University of Edinburgh, UK
(Session chair: Masahito Hasegawa, Kyoto University)
9:00 - 10:00

** PROGRAM LOGICS    (Session chair: Nick Benton, Microsoft Research)
10:30 - 11:30

*** Unifying Type Checking and Property Checking for Low-Level Code
  Jeremy Condit, Microsoft Research
  Brian Hackett, Stanford University
  Shuvendu Lahiri, Microsoft Research
  Shaz Qadeer, Microsoft Research

*** Local Rely-Guarantee Reasoning 
  Xinyu Feng, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago

*** Classical BI (A Logic for Reasoning about Dualising Resource)  
  James Brotherston, Imperial College London
  Cristiano Calcagno, Imperial College London

** TYPES II     (Session chair: Atsushi Igarashi, Kyoto University)
12:00 - 1:00

*** State-Dependent Representation Independence    
  Amal Ahmed, TTI-C
  Derek Dreyer, MPI-SWS
  Andreas Rossberg, MPI-SWS

*** Modeling Abstract Types in Modules with Open Existential Types
  Benoit Montagu, INRIA
  Didier Remy, INRIA

*** Focusing on Pattern Matching   
  Neelakantan Krishnaswami, Carnegie Mellon University

** MULTICORE     (Session chair: Leaf Petersen, Intel Corporation)
2:30 - 3:30

*** The Semantics of x86-CC Multiprocessor Machine Code       
  Susmit Sarkar, University of Cambridge
  Peter Sewell, University of Cambridge
  Francesco Zappa Nardelli, INRIA
  Scott Owens, University of Cambridge
  Tom Ridge, University of Cambridge     
  Thomas Braibant, INRIA
  Magnus Myreen, University of Cambridge
  Jade Alglave, INRIA

*** Relaxed memory models: an operational approach 
  Gerard Boudol, INRIA Sophia Antipolis
  Gustavo Petri, INRIA Sophia Antipolis

*** The Semantics of Progress in Lock-Based Transactional Memory
  Rachid Guerraoui, EPFL
  Michal Kapalka, EPFL

** VERIFICATION     (Session chair: Andrew Appel, Princeton University, USA)
4:00 - 5:00

*** Types and Higher-Order Recursion Schemes for 
    Verification of Higher-Order Programs 
  Naoki Kobayashi, Tohoku University

*** Verifying Distributed Systems: the Operational Approach
  Tom Ridge, University of Cambridge

*** Automated Verification of Practical Garbage Collectors 
  Chris Hawblitzel, Microsoft Research
  Erez Petrank, Microsoft Research


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