[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
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*                                                       *
*  FM2009: 16th FM Symposium and 2nd World Congress     *
*            >>> Theory meets practice <<<              *
*                                                       *
*            October 30 - November 7,  2009             *
*              Eindhoven, the Netherlands               *
*             http://www.win.tue.nl/fm2009              *
*                                                       *
*                  CALL FOR PAPERS                      *
*                                                       *
*                                                       *
*                      ** NEWS **                       *
*                                                       *
*    Authors of selected papers will be invited to      *
*    submit a journal version for a special anniversary *
*    issue of Springer's FMSD.                          *
*                                                       *
* >> Workshops: 7 satellite workshops confirmed.        *
*    - FMIS: Formal Methods for Interactive Systems     *
*    - VDM and Overture                                 *
*    - CompMod: Computational Models for Cell Processes *
*    - FAVO: Formal Aspects of Virtual Organizations    *
*    - FMA: Formal Methods for Aeronautics              *
*    - FOPARA: Foundational and Practical Aspects of    *
*      Resource Analysis                                *
*    - Formal Aspects of Probabilistic Systems          *
*                                                       *
*                                                       *
*    FACJ Special Issue - Authors of selected papers    *
*    will be invited to submit a journal version for a  *
*    special anniversary issue of Springer's Formal     *
*    Aspects of Computing.                              *
*                                                       *
*    Prize for best paper - awarded by Springer.        *
*                                                       *
*    Worldwide PC- Including members from 46 countries. *
*                                                       *
*    LNCS proceedings - Springer has confirmed that the *
*    proceedings will be published in their Lecture     *
*    Notes in Computer Science series.                  *
*                                                       *
*    Special tracks - on tools and industrial           *
*    applications.                                      *
*                                                       *
*                                                       *
*                  INVITED SPEAKERS                     *
*            Wan Fokkink, The Netherlands               *
*              Carroll Morgan, Australia                *
*                Colin O'Halloran, UK                   *
*               Sriram Rajamani, India                  *
*                Jeannette Wing, USA                    *
*                                                       *
*               ** IMPORTANT DATES **                   *
*                                                       *
*       May     4  -  Submission deadline (firm)        *
*       July    6  -  Notification of acceptance        *
*       August 10  -  Camera-ready  version  due        *
*                                                       *

FM2009 is part of:

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*     +============================================+    *
*     |                                            |    *
*     |                 ** FMweek **               |    *
*     |                                            |    *
*     +============================================+    *
*     |     CPA     |     FACS     |     FAST      |    *
*     +--------------------------------------------+    *
*     |    FM2009   |     FMCO     |     FMICS     |    *
*     +--------------------------------------------+    *
*     |     PDMC    |    REFINE    | TESTCOM/FATES |    *
*     +--------------------------------------------+    *
*     |        http://www.win.tue.nl/fmweek        |    *
*     +============================================+    *
*                                                       *

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