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Workshop on  Computer Algebra Methods and Commutativity of Algebraic Diagrams

IRIT, Toulouse  (France)
16-17 October 2009

*** AND ***

Categorical diagrams have multiple applications in
mathematics (algebra, topology) and computer science (models
and metamodels, rewriting systems, higher order languages).
Diagrams (understood less strictly) can be found in physics,
chemistry and other scientific domains. Many similar
problems arise in computer-assisted treatment of diagrams in
all these domains. In spite of the importance of
diagrammatic methods, they are relatively little developed
and underrepresented in the world of computer-assisted

This workshop aims to bring together researchers working on
these subjects, to assess the current state of the art and
identify open problems and future research directions.

The main topics may be listed (non-exhaustively) as follows:
algorithms that may be used in computer-assisted treatment
of diagrams, treatment of diagrams in existing computer
algebra systems, formal developments related to diagrams and
category theory in proof-assistants, user interfaces and
graphics for categorical diagrams.


Remark: the timetable is not fixed but actually (with talks
already submitted) we plan to begin at 10:30 on Friday and
end on Saturday at 12:30.

1. Lucas Dixon (Univ of Edinburgh)

a) Graphical Reasoning in Compact Closed Categories for Quantum Computation

b) Graphical Logic

2. Kosta Dosen (Math. Inst., Belgrade)

Syntax for Split Preorders

3. Yves Guiraud (LORIA), Philippe Malbos (Lyon-1)

Identities among relations for higher-dimensional rewriting systems

4. Robert Hein and François Lamarche (LORIA)

Bifibrations and paths in categories.

5. Samuel Mimram (ENS-Lyon)

A Unification Algorithm for Monoidal Theories

6. Zoran Petric (Math. Inst. Belgrade)

Ordinals in Frobenius  Monads

7. Damien Pous (INRIA Rhone-Alpes), Thomas Braibant (-"-)

Algebraic tools for binary relations
in Coq

8. Andre Rodin (ENS, Paris - rue d'Ulm)

Diagrammatic syntax and its limits.

9. Pierre Rannou (Inst. Math. de Luminy)

Title to be presented

10. A. El Khoury, S. Soloviev (IRIT)

Title to be presented.

Papers presented at the workshop will be published on the
web site of the workshop and are planned to be selected for
submission, in complete and revised form, to a special issue
of an international journal.


We will ask for a modest participation fee (30 euros to be
used for 3-4 coffee breaks and a lunch on Friday at the
university restaurant).

We plan to organize an "informal" dinner on Friday evening.


Submission deadline: we expect a full paper or an extended
abstract by 30 September 2009. As an exception, we may still
consider to extend the list of talks if the full paper or
extended abstract will come (for sure) by 30 september, and
we will be notified before 10 september - as usual, the
message should contain the title and a short abstract.

Workshop: Friday 16 and Saturday 17 October 2009

Organising/program committee:

    P. Damphousse (Universite de Tours)
    Y. Lafont (IML, Universite Aix-Marseille 2)
    R. Matthes  (IRIT, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
    S. Soloviev (IRIT, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)

Local organisation:

    S. Soloviev
    R. Matthes
    A. El Khoury

Web page:



    Sergei Soloviev
    University Toulouse-3
    118, route de Narbonne,
    31062 Toulouse
    E-mail: soloviev, followed by @irit and then .fr
    Tel:  (+33) 5 61 55 62 55
    Fax: (+33) 5 61 55 62 58

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