[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
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                     Call for Participation
                   Second International Workshop on
          Modules and Libraries for Proof Assistants
                           July 15, 2010

                       Affiliated with FLoC
                 Edinburgh, Scotland, July 9-21, 2010



The formal part of the workshop program will consist of invited talks by

* Adam Chlipala    http://adam.chlipala.net/            A Bottom-Up Approach to 
Safe Low-Level Programming
* Gerwin Klein     http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~kleing/  Large-scale proof and 
libraries in Isabelle
* Ulf Norell       http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~ulfn/    TBA
* Don Sannella     http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/dts/   TBA
* Andrzej Trybulec http://math.uwb.edu.pl/~trybulec/    TBA

See http://kwarc.info/frabe/events/mlpa-10.html for details.


This is the second workshop on module systems and libraries for proof 
assistants, which succeeds MLPA-09 held during CADE-22. It aims to attract and 
bring together researchers and practitioners with background and experience in 
module systems from different logic based systems, such as theorem provers, 
proof assistants, and programming languages. It will provide a fertile venue 
for the exchange of ideas and experiences and has the potential to impact the 
way we organize proofs and programs in
the future.

Program Committee:

* Stefan Berghofer, Institut für Informatik, Technische Universität München
* Derek Dreyer, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Saarbrücken
* Georges Gonthier, Microsoft Research, Cambridge
* Zhaohui Luo, Royal Holloway, University of London,
* Till Mossakowski, German research center for artificial intelligence, Bremen,
* Scott Owens, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
* Florian Rabe, Jacobs University Bremen (chair)
* Carsten Schürmann, IT University of Copenhagen (chair)


Florian Rabe                        Carsten Schuermann
f.rabe at jacobs-university.de      carsten at itu.dk
Jacobs University                   IT University of Copenhagen
Bremen, Germany                     Copenhagen, Denmark 

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