[ The Types Forum (announcements only), 
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

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We are pleased to announce CICM 2010 which will take place at
Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris, France from July 5
to July 10, 2010. This continues the CICM series begun with the
successful CICM 2008 in in Birmingham, England and CICM 2009 in Grand
Bend, Ontario, Canada.

Please visit:


Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics gather several

- 10th International Conference on Articficial Intelligence and Symbolic
  Computation (AISC 2010)
- 17th Symposium on the Integration of Symbolic
  Computation and Mechanised Reasoning (Calculemus 2010)
- 9th International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management
  (MKM 2010)

Associated Workshops are:

- 3rd Workshop on Compact Computer Algebra (CCA 2010)
- 3rd Workshop, Towards a Digital Mathematics Library (DML 2010)
- 4th Workshop on Programming Languages for Mechanized Mathematics (PLMMS 2010)
- 23rd Workshop on OpenMath (OpenMath)
- Mathematically Intelligent Proof Search (MIPS 2010)
- 6th Workshop on Mathematical User-Interfaces (MathUI 2010)
- Content Math Training Camp with Doctoral Programme (CMTC+DP)

Further events include:

- A ScienCe Eu project meeting
- The EuDML European project kickoff meeting
- A program for doctoral students
- A special training camp on Content Markup for Mathematics
- A day program in honour of Thérèse Hardin

Social Events

- Conference reception with Wine & Cheese buffet at the "Café des
  Techniques" at the CNAM Museum.
- Conference Banquet at restaurant le Grand Bleu, Port de l'Arsenal.

The full list of events is at:


Looking forward to see you in Paris.

Laurence Rideau, Renaud Rioboo

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