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As usual, apologies for (possible) multiple postings.

Sergei Soloviev


Professor position in Computer Science
(starting September 2011)

Profile: Dynamic Methods in Assisted Proof and Program Verification

Context: the teaching position is to be opened at the Informatics
Department of the University Toulouse-3. The research activities of a
successful candidate are to be developed within IRIT (Institut de
Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse), CNRS UMR 5505, team Acadie.

Teaching duties: an important place is given to teaching related to the
theory of algorithms, programming and software development (undergraduate
and graduate level in computer science).

Research tasks: the role of dynamic analysis of programs and systems is
very important nowadays, in particular because autonomous and
semi-autonomous, embedded and distributed systems are more and more
common. In the theme 7 "Safety of software development" of IRIT, to which
the team Acadie belongs, this trend is manifests in the growing role of
the interactive methods of verification – interactive proof
development, model transformations, transformation verification.

Taking into account the role of proof development and interactive methods
of verification for the theme "Safety of software development" at IRIT, we
would like to put forward for this position dynamic methods of proof and
verification, in particular methods related to game theory, concurrency
theory, agent-oriented semantics, etc. Our principal interest is to find a
candidate that could bring new competencies but who could at the same time
participate actively in the research of our team that has modeling,
interactive proof development, computer assisted and
automated verification as its main expertise.

Other activities :

The position implies the usual administrative and organizational
responsibilities related to teaching and research:

- participation in jury, implementation of new courses and other teaching
activities, councils, diverse committees, tutorship, mentoring of
internships, etc.

- research management, councils and diverse committees at the IRIT and/or
at regional research structures, organization of conferences,
responsibility for contracts and projects, etc.

for candidates that are not French, the French habilitation and
qualification certificate are actually not required. The University
Scientific Council will decide on the equivalence of diplomas and other
filed documents. A good level of French is required for teaching.


Team :  ACADIE
Site :  IRIT,  Paul Sabatier University
Phone (contact with the director of IRIT):  +33 (0) 5 34 32 21 54
e-mail : direct...@irit.fr
web site :     http ://www.irit.fr/

Pedagogical team:

Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse-3
Department : Informatics (UFR MIG)
Director of the department  :         Régine André-Obrecht
Phone :+33 5 61 55 68 86
e-mail: Régine André-Obrecht <obrecht (at) irit.fr>


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