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                         Call for papers
                 2nd International Workshop on Interactions
                    between Computer Science and Biology

                      Affiliated to DisCoTec'11

                          9th of June 2011
                          Reykjavik, Iceland



The aim of this workshop is to gather researchers in formal methods
that are interested in the convergence of Computer Science, Biology
and life sciences. In particular, we solicit contribution of original
results that address both theoretical aspects of modeling and applied
work on the comprehension of biological behavior. In particular we
want to encourage presentation of interdisciplinary work conducted
by teams composed of both life and computer scientists.
Papers selected for presentation at CS2Bio should either present an
attempt at modeling a specific biological phenomenon using formal
techniques, or a technical innovation that can be applied to a range
of potential biological systems. In the latter case, some emphasis
on the scalability of the method will be required. The workshop
intends to attract researchers interested in models, verification,
tools, and programming primitives concerning such complex interactions.

*** SCOPE ***

In general, topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Formal Biological Modeling:
-- Synthetic biology, circuits design (IGEM models)
-- Formal methods for the representation of biological systems (rewrite
systems, process calculi, graph grammars, hybrid systems, etc.);
-- Theoretical links and comparisons between different formal models for
the modeling of biological processes;
-- Quantitative (probabilistic, timed, stochastic, etc.) languages and
-- Spatial (geometrical, topological) languages and calculi.

Formal Testing and Validation of Biological Properties:
-- Prediction of biological behavior from incomplete information;
-- Model Checking, Abstract Interpretation, Type Systems, etc.

Tools and Simulations:
-- Modeling, analysis and simulation tools for systems biology;
-- Emergence of properties in complex biological systems;
-- Tools for parallel, distributed, and multi-resolution simulation
-- Detailed biological case-studies.


Proceedings of the workshop will be published in ENTCS. Quality
permitting, a special issue of Mathematical Structures in Computer
Science is planned.


- Jasmin Fisher (Microsoft Research - Cambridge, UK)
- Gordon Plotkin (Lab for Foundation of Computer Science -
Edinburgh, UK)


Papers must report previously unpublished work and not be submitted
concurrently to another conference with refereed proceedings.
Authors should submit their papers via EasyChair
(http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cs2bio11). Papers
should take the form of a pdf file in ENTCS style and should not
exceed 12 pages. If necessary, detailed proofs or other additional
material can be added in an appendix (referees might review it at
their discretion). We also encourage the submission of short papers,
limited to 7 pages, presenting new tools or platforms for the
modelling of biological systems.


- Submission deadline: 21 March 2011
- Notification to authors: 5 May 2011
- Workshop: 9 June 2011


- Luca Cardelli
- Francesca Cordero
- Erik de Vink
- François Fages
- Jérôme Feret
- Jasmine Fisher
- Paola Giannini (Co-chair)
- Jane Hillston
- Jean Krivine (Co-chair)
- Giancarlo Mauri
- Emanuela Merelli
- Paolo Milazzo
- Gethin Norman
- Jean-Louis Giavitto
- Ion Petre
- Gordon Plotkin
- Angelo Troina
- Verena Wolf
- Gianluigi Zavattaro


Paola Giannini
Dipartimento di Informatica Universita' del Piemonte Orientale via Teresa Michel, 11 15100 Alessandria, Italy phone: (+39) 0131 360171
fax  : (+39) 0131 360390
email: giann...@di.unipmn.it

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