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 Call for Papers

The First International Workshop on
Process Algebra and Coordination (PACO 2011)
(co-located with DisCoTec'11)


9 June 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland

Paper Submission Deadline: March 25, 2011


Process algebra provides abstract and rigorous means for studying
communicating concurrent systems. Coordination languages also provide
abstract means for specifying and programming communication of components.
Hence, the two fields seem to have very much in common and the links between
these two research areas have been established formally by means of several
translations, mainly from coordination languages to process algebras. There
have also been proposals of process algebras whose communication policy is
inspired by the one underlying coordination languages.

The aim of this workshop is to push the state of the art in the study of the
connections between process algebra and coordination languages by bringing
together experts as well as young researchers from the two fields to
communicate their ideas and findings.


The workshop will comprise two main parts: invited lectures and contributed
talks. In the first part, some invited senior researchers will present their
ideas around the theme of linking process algebras and coordination

Contributions will be solicited in the areas related to the formal aspects
of communication structures and coordination languages. The topics of
interest include, but are not restricted to:

* Comparison Among Different Coordination Models and/or Process Algebras
* Expressive Power of Coordination Languages and Process Algebras
* Formal Semantics of Coordination Languages
* Formal Verification of Coordinated Architectures
* Relating Different Semantic Models for Coordination Languages
* Translations from Coordination Languages to Process Algebras and Vice

Submissions should not exceed 15 pages and should be formatted according to
the EPTCS style. (Please check http://style.eptcs.org/ for more details.)

Concurrent submission to other venues (conferences, workshops or journals)
and submission of papers under consideration elsewhere are not allowed.
Submissions are handled using the EasyChair system and can be uploaded using
the following link:


All contributions will undergo a rigorous review procedure by the Program
Committee of the workshop and a selection will
be made based on the novelty, soundness and relevance of the contributions.

The proceedings of the workshop, containing papers presented in both parts,
will be published as a volume of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical
Computer Science.

Invited Speakers

Jos Baeten, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Dave Clarke, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Rocco De Nicola, University of Florence, Italy
Gianluigi Zavattaro, University of Bologna, Italy

Important Dates

Paper Submission: March 25, 2011
Author notification: April 22, 2011
Camera ready paper due: May 20, 2011
Workshop: June 9, 2011

Program Committee

Luca Aceto Reykjavik University, Iceland (co-chair)
Christel Bair Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Mario Bravetti University of Bologna, Italy
Mohammad Mahdi Jaghoori Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), The
MohammadReza Mousavi Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Rosario Pugliese University of Florence, Italy
Davide Sangiorgi University of Bologna, Italy
Marjan Sirjani Reykjavik University, Iceland

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