[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
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Dear colleague,

[Apologies for multiple copies]

I would like to draw your attention to the upcoming workshop:

International Workshop on Computational Systems Biology (WCSB)
June 6-8, 2011
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

WCSB aims at bringing together the different communities involved in 
computational systems biology research, e.g. experimental biology, machine 
learning, signal processing, mathematics, statistics, and theoretical physics. 
The scientific program includes invited plenary talks as well as regular 
sessions with contributed research talks and posters.

Following the four successful events hosted by Tampere University of Technology 
(Finland), and the events hosted by the University of Leipzig (Germany), Aarhus 
University (Denmark), and University of Luxembourg, the eighth event will be 
organized at ETH Zürich (Switzerland), from 6 to 8 June 2011.

The prospective authors are invited to submit full papers or abstracts.

Full paper submissions: The authors are asked to submit a title and abstract 
(max. 2500 characters) first. Based on the abstract, the scientific committee 
decides which authors will be invited to submit a full paper to be included in 
the proceedings. The papers should be maximum four pages, including results, 
figures, tables, and references. Minor corrections will be suggested upon 
reviewing the full papers.

Abstract-only submissions: The authors can choose to submit only the title and 
abstract, which will also be included in the proceedings.

Submission deadline for paper-abstract:     February 15, 2011
Notification of acceptance:                 February 28, 2011
Submission deadline for full paper:         March 31, 2011
Deadline for abstract-only submissions:     March 31, 2011
Review comments:                            April 15, 2011
Submission deadline for camera-ready paper: April 30, 2011
TICSP Copyright Form:                       April 30, 2011
Early bird registration deadline:           April 30, 2011

Ruedi Aebersold, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Michael Stumpf, Imperial College London, UK
Vincent Danos, University of Edinburgh, UK
Magnus Rattray, University of Sheffield, UK
Steffen Klamt, MPI Magdeburg, Germany
Andre Ribeiro, Tampere University of Technology, FL
Ilya Shmulevich, Institute for Systems Biology, USA

Jugoslava Acimovic (Tampere University of Technology)
Miika Ahdesmäki (Almac Diagnostics)
Carsten Carlberg (University of Luxembourg)
David Galas (Institute for Systems Biology)
Peter Grass (Novartis Institute for BioMedical Research, Basel)
Marco Grzegorczyk (Technische Universität Dortmund)
Olli Yli-Harja(Tampere University of Technology, workshop co-chair)
Antti Honkela (Aalto University)
Juha Kesseli (Tampere University of Technology)
Heinz Koeppl (ETH Zürich, workshop co-chair)
Harri Lähdesmäki (Aalto University)
Marja-Leena Linne (Tampere University of Technology)
James Lu (ETH Zürich)
Matti Nykter (Tampere University of Technology)
Serge Pelet (ETH Zürich)
Andre S. Ribeiro (Tampere University of Technology)
Ilya Shmulevich (Institute for Systems Biology)
Korbinian Strimmer (University of Leipzig)
Ioan Tabus (Tampere University of Technology)
Carsten Wiuf (Aarhus University)

Heinz Koeppl (ETH Zürich)
James Lu (ETH Zürich)
Serge Pelet (ETH Zürich)
Peter Grass (Novartis Institute for BioMedical Research, Basel)
Jugoslava Acimovic (Tampere University of Technology)
Juha Kesseli (Tampere University of Technology)
Pirkko Ruotsalainen (Tampere University of Technology)

ETH Zurich, Tampere University of Technology, SystemsX.ch<http://SystemsX.ch/>, 
Novartis, BASF, Roche, Syngenta, MerckSerono, Actelion.


On behalf of the WCSB 2011 organizing committee,

Heinz Koeppl

Dr. Heinz Koeppl - Assistant Professor
BISON - Biomolecular Signaling & Control Group
Automatic Control Lab, ETH Zurich
P: +41 44 632 7288, Email: koe...@ethz.ch<mailto:koe...@ethz.ch>

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