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[Apologies for multiple copies]
Deadline for abstract and paper submission to WWV 2011 has been extended:       

Abstract submission (new date): April 4, 2011  
Paper submission (new date): April 11, 2011

Call for Papers                      

WWV 2011                          
Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems  
7th International Workshop                 
(as part of DisCoTec'11)                  


June 9, 2011 - Reykjavik, Iceland             



Abstract Submission (NEW)               April 4, 2011
Full Paper Submission (NEW)             April 11, 2011
Acceptance Notification                 May 3, 2011
Camera Ready (pre-proceedings)          May 30, 2011
Workshop                                June 9, 2011
Camera Ready (post-proceedings)         July 4, 2011


The Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems (WWV) 
is a yearly workshop that aims at providing an interdisciplinary forum to 
facilitate the cross-fertilization and the advancement of hybrid methods that 
exploit concepts and tools drawn from Rule-based programming, Software 
engineering, Formal methods and Web-oriented research.

Nowadays, many companies and institutions have diverted their Web sites into 
interactive, completely-automated, Web-based applications for, e.g., 
e-business, e-learning, e-government and e-health. The increased complexity and 
the explosive growth of Web systems has made their design and implementation a 
challenging task. Systematic, formal approaches to their specification and 
verification can permit to address the problems of this specific domain by 
means of automated and effective techniques and tools.

Topics of either theoretical or applied interest include, but are not limited 
- Rule-based approaches to Web system analysis, certification, specification, 
verification, and optimization.
- Languages and models for programming and designing Web systems.
- Formal methods for describing and reasoning about Web systems.
- Model-checking, synthesis and debugging of Web systems.
- Analysis and verification of linked data.
- Abstract interpretation and program transformation applied to the semantic 
- Intelligent tutoring and advisory systems for Web specifications authoring.
- Middleware and frameworks for composition and orchestration of Web services.
- Web quality and Web metrics.
- Web usability and accessibility.
- Testing and evaluation of Web systems and applications.


Elie Najm               Telecom ParisTech, France


Submitted papers should present original unpublished work and cannot be under 
review for publication elsewhere. Each paper will undergo a thorough evaluation 
by at least three reviewers, chosen by the Program Committee. 
Contributions should be in PDF format and prepared in LaTeX using the 
EPTCS-style format (http://style.eptcs.org/) and should not exceed 15 pages 
(typeset 11 points).

Submissions are handled using the EasyChair online system and can be uploaded 
using the following link:

Submission is a firm commitment that at least one of the authors will attend 
the conference, if the paper is accepted.


Accepted papers will be included in the pre-proceedings, which will be made 
available in electronic form through the WWV web site. 
After the workshop, authors of accepted papers will be asked to prepare, by 
incorporating insights gathered during the event, a final version of their 
paper to be published in the post-proceedings.

Workshop post-proceedings will be published as a volume of the EPTCS 
(Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, http://eptcs.org/) 

An open call for a special high-quality journal issue on the topic of the WWV 
workshop is envisaged.


Laura Kovacs                    Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Rosario Pugliese                University of Florence, Italy
Francesco Tiezzi                University of Florence, Italy


Maria Alpuente                  Technical University of Valencia, Spain
Demis Ballis                    University of Udine, Italy
Santiago Escobar                Technical University of Valencia, Spain
Jean-Marie Jacquet              University of Namur, Belgium
Laura Kovacs                    Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Temur Kutsia                    Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Tiziana Margaria                Univ. Potsdam, Germany
Manuel Mazzara                  University of Newcastle, United Kingdom
Catherine Meadows               NRL, United States
Yasuhiko Minamide               University of Tsukuba, Japan
Rosario Pugliese                University of Florence, Italy
I.V. Ramakrishnan               SUNY Stony Brook, United States
Maurice ter Beek                ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy
Francesco Tiezzi                University of Florence, Italy
Franz Weitl                     National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
Nobuko Yoshida                  Imperial College London, United Kingdom



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