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Call for Papers

ICTAC 2012
9th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing
URL: http://www.iiitb.ac.in/ictac

24 - 27 September 2012, Bangalore, India

The Colloquium will be held at the International Institute of
Information Technology (IIIT), which is located in
Electronics City of Bangalore. It is two hours by car from Bangalore
International Airport (transport from airport
will be provided to conference participants). Bangalore is
internationally known as the Silicon Valley of the East
with many hi-tech companies and research labs. Holding the conference
in the Electronics City of Bangalore gives
the conference participants valuable opportunity to discuss and
network with the software practitioners and researchers
in Indiaís Information Technology (IT) hub. This will be further
facilitated via an Industry Day, a special feature
of ICTAC 2012.


Regular and Short Paper submission deadline:           16 April 2012


ICTAC 2012 is the 9th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects
of Computing, the latest in a series founded
by the International Institute for Software Technology of the United
Nations University (UNU-IIST). ICTAC 2012 will
bring together practitioners and researchers from academia, industry
and government to present research and to exchange
ideas and experience addressing challenges in both theoretical aspects
of computing and in the exploitation of theory
through methods and tools for system development. The other main
purpose is to promote cooperation in research and
education between participants and their institutions, from developing
and industrial countries, as in the mandate
of the United Nations University.


The topics of the conference include, but are not limited to:

    * automata theory and formal languages;
    * principles and semantics of programming languages;
    * logics and their applications;
    * software architectures and their description languages;
    * relationship between software requirements, models and code;
    * software specification, refinement, verification and testing;
    * model checking and theorem proving;
    * formal techniques in software testing;
    * models of object and component systems;
    * coordination and feature interaction;
    * integration of theories, formal methods and tools for
      engineering computing systems;
    * service-oriented architectures: models and development methods;
    * models of concurrency, security, and mobility;
    * theory of parallel, distributed, grid and cloud computing;
    * real-time, embedded, hybrid and cyber-physical systems;
    * type and category theory in computer science;
    * models for learning and education;
    * case studies, theories, tools and experiments of verified systems;
    * domain-specific modeling and technology: examples, frameworks
      and experience.


ICTAC 2012 will feature an Industry Day, a special feature being
introduced to the ICTAC colloquium for the first
time. One of the days of the conference is planned to be marked as
Industry Day. The industry day will feature
technical talks from the industry participants. These talks will be
drawn from the papers submitted and accepted to
the conference; however any such paper must have at least one
co-author from the Industry and must be clearly marked
for ìIndustry Dayî during submission. In addition, we plan to have
tool demonstrations and posters by the companies
in the exhibition floor. Participants from academia will thus also get
a chance to mingle with the industry participants
in an informal atmosphere, thereby getting a flavor of the ongoing
activities in Bangaloreís IT industry.

Industry Day Co-chairs:  Sriram Rajamani (Microsoft Research)
                         Satish Chandra (IBM Research)


    * Gernot Heiser, UNSW (for Industry Day)
    * Luke Ong, Oxford
    * Ganesan Ramalingam, Microsoft Research


The proceedings of ICTAC 2012 will be published by Springer
in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and
will be available at the colloquium. A special issue of a
journal with extended version of selected papers from
ICTAC 2012 is under negotiation.

Submissions to the colloquium must not have been published
or be concurrently considered for publication elsewhere.
All submissions will be judged on the basis of originality,
contribution to the field, technical and presentation quality,
and relevance to the conference.

Submissions can be either Regular Papers or Short Papers.
Short papers can present recent or ongoing work or discuss new
ideas which are at an early stage of development and have not
been thoroughly evaluated yet.

Papers should be written in English. Regular Papers should not
exceed 15 pages and Short Papers should be between 4 and 8 pages
in LNCS format (see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html
for details).

Papers shall be submitted at

All queries should be sent to: ictac2...@iist.unu.edu


Paper submission deadline:           16 April 2012
Paper Accept/Reject Notification:      8 June 2012
Final paper submission:                29 June 2012


        * Ana Cavalcanti, University of York, UK
        * Supratik Chakraborty, IIT Mumbai, India
        * Satish Chandra, IBM Watson, USA
        * Yifeng Chen, Peking University, China
        * Meenakshi DíSouza, IIIT Bangalore, India
        * Thao Dang, Verimag, France
        * Frank S. deBoer, CWI, Netherlands
        * Xinyu Feng, USTC, China
        * John Fitzgerald, University of Newcastle, UK
        * Susanne Graf, Verimag, France
        * Lindsay Groves, Victoria University, New Zealand
        * Zhenjiang Hu, NII, Japan
        * Lei  Ju, Shandong University, China
        * Moonzoo Kim, KAIST, Korea
        * Daniel Kroening, Oxford University, UK
        * Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg University, Denmark
        * Martin Leucker, TU Munich, Germany
        * Zhiming Liu, UNU-IIST, Macau SAR, China
        * Kamal Lodaya, Inst. of Mathematical Sciences, India
        * Annabelle McIver  Macquarie University, Australia
        * Madhavan Mukund, Chennai Mathematical Inst., India
        * Kedar Namjoshi, Bell Labs, USA
        * Jun Pang, Univ. of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
        * Sanjiva Prasad, IIT Delhi, India
        * Geguang Pu, ECNU, China
        * Zongyan Qiu, Peking University, China
        * Anders P. Ravn, Aalborg University, Denmark
        * Abhik Roychoudhury, National University of Singapore, Singapore 
        * Diptikalyan Saha, IBM Research, India
        * Augusto Sampaio, UFPE, Brazil
        * Bikram Sengupta, IBM Research, India
        * R.K. Shyamasundar, TIFR, India
        * Sofiene Tahar, Concordia University, Canada
        * Kapil Vaswani, Microsoft Research, India
        * Wang Yi, Uppsala University, Sweden
        * Naijun Zhan, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
        * Jianjun Zhao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


    * Meenakshi Dí Souza, IIIT-B (General Chair)
    * Jun Pang, Univ. of Luxembourg (Publicity Chair)
    * Deepak DíSouza, Indian Institute of Science
    * Sumesh Divakaran, IIIT-B.


    * John Fitzgerald, UK
    * Martin Leucker, Germany
    * Zhiming Liu, Macau SAR China (Chair)
    * Tobias Nipkow, Germany
    * Augusto Sampaio, Brazil
    * Natarajan Shankar, USA
    * Jim Woodcock, UK

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