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                        CALL FOR PAPERS
                 Workshop on Continuations
                    12th April 2015, London, UK
                        Affiliated to ETAPS

The notion of continuation is ubiquitous in many different areas of
computer science, including systems programming, programming languages,
algorithmics, semantics, logic, and constructive mathematics. In fact the concept
of continuation nicely realizes sophisticated control mechanisms, which are
widely used in a variety of applications. Since we cannot escape control features, it becomes a challenge to provide them with sound reasoning principles. Indeed there is much research activity on understanding, representing, and reasoning about elaborated non-local control structures, in particular in declarative programming
languages such as functional and logic languages.

WoC 2015 is a new venue, continuing and broadening the scope of COS'13, held in
Eindhoven. WoC 2015 offers a forum for the presentation and discussion of
continuation-based constructs in programming languages, whether in the style of Curry (terms first, types later (maybe)) or in the style of Church (types first, typed terms later).
We specifically welcome the presentation of elegant motivating examples.

** Topics of Interest **

Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

*       continuations and delimited continuations
*       continuation based programming language constructs
*       categorical and algebraic models of continuations
*       compositionality and modularity of continuations
*       denotational semantics of control, event structures and causality
*       operational semantics and abstract machines
*       type systems for continuation-based constructs
*       game semantics of programming languages and of logical proofs
*       usage of continuations in proof search and proof mining
*       semantics of control operators in logic programming
*       continuations in web-services

** Submission Guidelines **

Paper submission is in two steps. Authors are expected
to submit an abstract of up to 10 pages in pdf format generated by
means of latex and EPTCS style, for inclusion in informal pre-proceedings
available at the workshop, and in the workshop program.
After the workshop, a longer version of 15 pages at most will be submitted for publication in the post-proceedings, and will undergo to a new reviewing process.
Accepted papers will be published in EPTCS.

Submissions are expected by 22th January using the EasyChair url:


** Important Dates **

Submission through EasyChair: 22th January, 2015
Notification: 14th February, 2015
Pre-proceedings version due: 1th March, 2015

Workshop date: 12th April, 2015

Submission to post-reviewed proceedings in EPTCS: 23th May, 2015.
Post proceedings notification: 20th July, 2015.
Final version due: 30th June, 2015.

** Programme Committee **

Program Committee:
Zena Ariola, University of Oregon, USA
Dariusz Biernacki, University of Wroclaw, Poland
Olivier Danvy, Aarhus University, Denmark (chair)
Mayer Goldberg, Ben Gurion University, Israel
Tadeusz Litak, FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany
Jay McCarthy, Vassar College, USA
Christian Queinnec, Universié Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Tiark Rompf, Purdue University, USA
Alexis Saurin, CNRS & Université Paris Diderot -- Paris 7, France
Hayo Thielecke University of Birmingham, UK

** Organiser **

Ugo de'Liguoro, University of Turin

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