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SNR 2015

1st International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods for
Reachability Analysis, July 19th, 2015, affiliated with CAV 2015

San Francisco, CA, USA

Web Page: http://snrworkshop.github.io

Important Dates

Submissions deadline: April 24, 2015; Extended to May 8, 2015
Notification: May 31, 2015
Final version: June 15, 2015
Workshop dates: July 19, 2015

Description of the Workshop

Hybrid systems model complex dynamical systems that combine discrete
and continuous components. Reachability questions, regarding whether a
system can run into certain subset of its state space, stand at the
core of verification and synthesis problems for hybrid systems.

Successful reachability analysis methods for hybrid systems requires
the unification of techniques from at least two traditions:

- Symbolic methods that operate on exact and discrete representations
  of systems, in the form of various model checking and theorem
  proving algorithms.

- Numerical methods that operate on various forms of numerical
  approximations and continuous transformations of the systems, as
  developed in the area of continuous dynamical systems and control

As concrete examples, one can observe how the two types of techniques
interact in the existing approaches towards reachability
analysis. Reachable set computation methods explicitly construct
flow-pipes that overapproximate the reachable states over time, while
efficient computation of such overapproximations requires symbolic
representations such as support functions. Constraint solving methods
symbolically encode reachability properties as logic formulas, while
solving such formulas requires numerically-driven decision
procedures. A goal of the workshop is to seek further synergies among
these approaches.


The SNR workshop solicits papers broadly in the area of verification
and synthesis of continuous and hybrid systems. One of the aims is to
catalyze work on the interface of symbolic and numerical methods for
the reachability analysis.  The scope of the workshop includes, but is
not restricted to, the following topics:

- Flow-pipe construction
- Representation of symbolic regions within reachability algorithm
- Abstraction techniques for hybrid systems and numerical programs
- Symbolic trajectory generation
- Decision procedures over real numbers
- Reliable integration
- Logics to reason about hybrid systems
- Reachability analysis for planning and synthesis
- Domain specific approaches in biology, robotics, etc

Submission information

The workshop will be a platform for focused discussion of the recent
progress on the topic of reachability analysis of hybrid systems. We
solicit short versions of papers (SV papers) that have been published
in a leading venue in the past three years. We also welcome reports on
tools, work in progress, or new ideas.

An SV paper is an extended abstract of the original paper that conveys
the main technical ideas. We recommend that the SV papers consist
sections that explain the following aspects: intuition, technical
details, and main observation from experiments (without listing
statistics). SV papers can assume that the readers are experts on the
topic, and do not need to contain introduction, basic definitions,

All paper submissions should not exceed 6 pages
in CEUR one-column style

Paper submission must be performed via the EasyChair system:

All the accepted papers will be published electronically as CEUR
proceedings (http://ceur-ws.org/).


Sergiy Bogomolov (IST Austria, Austria)
Ashish Tiwari (SRI, USA)

Program Committee

Matthias Althoff (TUM, Germany)
Parasara Sridhar Duggirala (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA)
Martin Fränzle (University of Oldenburg, Germany)
Goran Frehse (Verimag, France)
Sean Gao (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Daniele Magazzeni (King's College, UK)
Sayan Mitra (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA)
Erion Plaku (CUA, USA)
Stefan Ratschan (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
Stavros Tripakis (Aalto University, Finnland)
Paolo Zuliani (University of Newcastle, UK)

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