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                               NWPT 2015
               27th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory

                           October 21-23, 2015
                           Reykjavik, Iceland

                         CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS

*NOTE. *

   - *Submission of **2-3 page abstracts: 31 August 2015 at 23:00 GMT*
*Special issue in the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in
   Programming *

The NWPT series of annual workshops is a forum bringing together
programming theorists from the Nordic and Baltic countries (but also

The 27th edition of the Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory will be hosted
by the Icelandic Centre of Excellence in Theoretical Computer Science
(ICE-TCS) and the School of Computer Science at Reykjavik University.
The workshop will take place on the premises of Reykjavik University.


Authors wishing to give a talk at the workshop are requested to submit
abstracts of 2-3 pages (pdf, printable on A4 paper, using easychair.cls,
available at http://www.easychair.org/publications/easychair.zip) through
EasyChair at the link https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nwpt2015.
Work in progress as well as abstracts of manuscripts submitted for formal
publication elsewhere are permitted.


The abstracts of the accepted contributions will be available electronically
before the workshop. We have arranged a special issue of the Journal of
Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (JLAMP) devoted to the best
contributions to the workshop. The contributions will be selected by the PC.
They will be invited after the workshop and will undergo a rigorous,
journal-strength review process according to the standards of JLAMP.


- Submission of abstracts: 31 August 2015 at 23:00 GMT
- Notification: 13 September 2015
- Registration deadline: 2 October 2015
- Workshop: 21-23 October 2015

*** SCOPE:

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to)
- semantics of programming languages
- programming language design and programming methodology
- programming logics
- formal specification of programs
- program verification
- program construction
- tools for program verification and construction
- program transformation and refinement
- real-time and hybrid systems
- models of concurrency and distributed computing
- language-based security.


- Rocco De Nicola (IMT Lucca, Italy)
- Marta Kwiatkowska (University of Oxford, UK)
- Jiri Srba (Aalborg University, Denmark)


- Luca Aceto, Reykjavík Univ., Iceland (co-chair)
- Lars Birkedal, Aarhus Univ., Denmark
- Johannes Borgström, Uppsala Univ., Sweden
- Einar Broch Johnsen, Univ. of Oslo, Norway
- Michael R. Hansen, DTU, Denmark
- Keijo Heljanko, Aalto Univ., Finland
- Fritz Henglein, Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Anna Ingolfsdottir, Reykjavík Univ., Iceland (co-chair)
- Yngve Lamo, Bergen Univ. Col., Norway
- Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg Univ., Denmark
- Alberto Lluch Lafuente, DTU, Denmark
- Mohammad Mousavi, Halmstad Univ., Sweden
- Bengt Nordström, Univ. of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Olaf Owe, Univ. of Oslo, Norway
- Paul Pettersson, Mälardalen Univ., Sweden
- Gerardo Schneider, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Walid Taha, Halmstad Univ., Sweden
- Tarmo Uustalu, Inst. of Cybernetics, Estonia
- Jüri Vain, Tallinn Univ. of Tech., Estonia
- Marina Waldén, Åbo Akademi Univ., Finland
- Uwe Wolter, Univ. of Bergen, Norway
- Wang Yi, Uppsala Univ., Sweden


- Luca Aceto
- Anna Ingolfsdottir
- Dario Della Monica
- Ignacio Fabregas
- Alvaro Garcia Perez

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