[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Dear all,

You are warmly invited to attend:

Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computing Science
Christmas Seminar
University of Birmingham
Thursday 17 December 2015


14:00-15:00 Paulo Oliva (Queen Mary, University of London)
On pirates, treasures and monads

15:00-15:45 Refreshments

15:45-16:45 Steve Vickers (Birmingham)
Topology via Logic

16:45-17:45 Nicolai Kraus (Nottingham)
Higher Inductive Types without Recursive Higher Constructors

17:45-  Pub and Restaurant

Midlands Graduate School is jointly run by the Universities of
Birmingham, Leicester, Nottingham and Sheffield.

Best regards,

Paul Blain Levy
School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham

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