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# Call for Participation: Off the Beaten Track 2016


January 23, 2016

(co-located with POPL 2016, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA)

Please join us for fun talks and lively discussion at Off the Beaten
Track 2016.  The workshop will feature invited talks by Chris Martens
(CMU/UC Santa Cruz) and Bob Atkey (University of Strathclyde), and our
list of accepted talks is posted at

OBT registration is via the POPL registration process:

## Background

Programming language researchers have the principles, tools,
algorithms and abstractions to solve all kinds of problems, in all
areas of computer science. However, identifying and evaluating new
problems, particularly those that lie outside the typical core PL
problems we all know and love, can be a significant challenge. This
workshop’s goal is to identify and discuss problems that do not often
show up in our top conferences, but where programming language
research can make a substantial impact. We hope fora like this will
increase the diversity of problems that are studied by PL researchers
and thus increase our community’s impact on the world.

While many workshops associated with POPL have become more like
mini-conferences themselves, this is an anti-goal for OBT. The
workshop will be informal and structured to encourage discussion. We
are at least as interested in problems as in solutions.

## Prior OBTs

2016 marks the fifth year of OBT and of co-location with POPL. The
previous four workshops were:

  * OBT 2015, Mumbai, India
  * OBT 2014, San Diego, USA
  * OBT 2013, Rome, Italy
  * OBT 2012, Philadelphia, USA

## Organizers

General chair:

  * Swarat Chaudhuri, Rice University

Program chair:

  * Lindsey Kuper, Intel Labs

Program committee:

  * Nada Amin, EPFL
  * Ken Eguro, Microsoft Research
  * Suresh Jagannathan, Purdue University
  * Limin Jia, Carnegie Mellon University
  * Yu David Liu, State University of New York (SUNY) Binghamton
  * Emma Tosch, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  * Noam Zeilberger, MSR-Inria

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