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1st International KLEE Workshop on Symbolic Execution
19-20 April, 2018 • London, United Kingdom

Call for Presentations

Symbolic execution has gained significant attention over the last few years, becoming an essential ingredient of techniques and systems across many computer science fields including software engineering, programming languages, software testing, program verification, cybersecurity, and computer systems. The technique has enabled a wide range of applications, including the automatic detection of bugs and security vulnerabilities, high-coverage test suite generation, patch testing, and automatic debugging, among many others.

KLEE is one of the most popular symbolic execution engines, providing a flexible and modular framework on which to build many different symbolic execution based techniques.

We solicit proposals for presentations related to the KLEE infrastructure and symbolic execution more generally. In particular, we welcome three types of contributions:

1) Presentations of existing research papers or ongoing research work. If presenting an existing research paper, please provide a link to the paper. If the work builds upon KLEE, please be explicit about the connection.

2) Presentations reporting the experience of using KLEE in a practical setting. Examples include the use of KLEE for testing open-source software, the use of KLEE in an industrial context, and the integration of KLEE within a larger system or tool.

3) Tutorial presentations on various aspects of KLEE. Examples include explaining the memory model of KLEE, showing how to create a new partial solver in KLEE, explaining how to handle new LLVM intrinsics, or demonstrating the use of Kleaver, KLEE’s solver tool.

More details about the submission process can be obtained at

A similar call for posters can be found at

Important dates
Submission deadline: Sunday, 21 January 2018
Notification deadline: Thursday, 1 February 2018
Early registration date: Saturday, 10 February 2018
Workshop dates: 19-20 April 2018

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