[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

I am looking for a PhD student, start date in  October 2018, to join my 
research group on program analysis and specification 
(https://psvg.doc.ic.ac.uk<https://psvg.doc.ic.ac.uk/>), as part of the 
analysis and verification theme  at Imperial 

My group is involved with a wide range of theoretical and practical projects on 
the analysis and verification of concurrent and web programs. Possible projects 

  *   a theoretical project on reasoning about either  concurrent algorithms 
(see MFPS'15 tutorial paper 
https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~pg/publications/daRochaPinto2015Steps.pdf)  or 
distributed systems (a new topic for me since Andrea Cerone became my RA, 
  *   a more practical project on using our concurrent specification of POSIX 
file systems for verification and testing (see Ntzik's PhD thesis 
  *    several projects associated with the JaVert verification toolchain (see 
POPL'18 paper https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~jfaustin/javert.pdf); and
  *   several projects associated with test generation from language semantics  
(see POPL’14 paper 
https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~pg/publications/Bodin2014Trusted.pdf) or library 
axiomatic specifications.

A successful UK student will probably be funded through the standard  
Departmental competition for funds. A successful EU/overseas student will 
probably be funded by a combination of Departmental funding and my funding.

The deadlines to apply for a PhD position in the Department are **19 January 
2018** and  23 March 2018. The Department  advises all students requiring 
funding to apply by the January deadline, although  there may still be some 
funding available for applications received after January. Further details can 
be found at the link 

Please do note hesitate to  contact me directly  if interested.

Best wishes,

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