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                            CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS

                                 VEMDP 2018

                      3rd International Conference on
          Verification of Engineered Molecular Devices and Programs


                 July 19, 2018, University of Oxford, UK

Affiliated with the 30th International Conference on Computer Aided
Verification (CAV), part of the Federated Logic Conference (FLOC) 2018


VEMDP 2018 is a one-day workshop that aims to promote discussion and
collaboration at the intersection between formal methods and biology.
While the workshop prioritises contributions on the formal modelling and
analysis of engineered biosystems, we also encourage submissions where
either formal verification is applied to natural biosystems, or
techniques complementary to formal methods are used for the study of
engineered biosystems, including but not limited to:
- DNA computing, DNA robotics, and other forms of natural information
processing, sensing, and actuation,
- (stochastic) chemical reaction networks,
- engineered transcription networks and other synthetic biology

Relevant modelling and analysis techniques include:
- automated verification,
- formal languages and methods,
- computer-aided design tools (e.g. automated synthesis),
- equivalence and abstraction of systems,
- static analysis,
- constraints modelling,
- other analysis methods (optimisation, dynamical systems, topology, etc)

Invited Speakers

- Sara-Jane Dunn, Microsoft Research
- Andrew J. Turberfield, University of Oxford


VEMDP 2018 will accept contributions describing novel, in-progress or
previously published work. Authors must indicate which of these three
categories applies to their submission. We will accept two kinds of
- extended abstracts for oral presentation (3 pages limit, LNCS style),
- abstracts for poster presentation (1 page limit, LNCS style).

We are currently working towards securing an open special issue in a
high-quality journal.

Important Dates
- Abstract submission: April 15, 2018
- Notification: May 15, 2018
- Camera-ready: May 31, 2018
- Workshop: July 19, 2018

PC co-Chairs
- Michael Boemo, University of Oxford
- Luca Cardelli, Microsoft Research
- Frits Dannenberg, Caltech
- Nicola Paoletti, Stony Brook University

Program Committee
- Claudio Angione, Teesside University
- Michael Boemo, University of Oxford
- Luca Cardelli, Microsoft Research / University of Oxford
- Milan Češka, Brno University of Technology
- Neil Dalchau, Microsoft Research
- Frits Dannenberg, California Institute of Technology
- David Doty, University of California, Davis
- Sara-Jane Dunn, Microsoft Research
- François Fages, Inria, Université Paris-Saclay
- Harold Fellermann, Newcastle University
- Jerome Feret, INRIA / Ecole Normale supérieure
- Lila Kari, University of Waterloo
- Hillel Kugler, Bar-Ilan University
- Nicola Paoletti, Stony Brook University
- Tatjana Petrov, University of Konstanz
- Andrew Phillips, Microsoft Research
- Amaury Pouly, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
- David Šafránek, Masaryk University
- Chris Thachuk, California Institute of Technology
- Qinsi Wang, Carnegie Mellon University
- Erik Winfree, California Institute of Technology
- Verena Wolf, Saarland University

Nicola Paoletti
Postdoctoral associate
Department of Computer Science - Stony Brook University

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