[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
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The first call for contributions for TyDe is out.
Forward it to anyone who might be interested.

Niki Vazou



Type 2018: Type-Driven Development

23-29 Sep, 2018, St. Louis, Missouri (co-located with ICFP)


*Call for Contributions*
We welcome all contributions, both theoretical and practical, on a range of
topics including:

dependently typed programming;
generic programming;
design and implementation of programming languages, exploiting types in
novel ways;
exploiting typed data, data dependent data, or type providers;
static and dynamic analyses of typed programs;
tools, IDEs, or testing tools exploiting type information;
pearls, being elegant, instructive examples of types used in the
derivation, calculation, or construction of programs.

*Important Dates*
Regular paper deadline: Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Extended abstract deadline: Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Author notification: Friday, June 29, 2018
Deadline for camera ready version: August 5, 2018
Workshop: Thursday, September 27, 2018

*Program Committee*
- Guillaume Allais, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
- Zena M. Ariola, University of Oregon, USA
- David Darais, University of Vermont, USA
- Richard Eisenberg, Bryn Mawr College, USA (co-chair)
- Jennifer Hackett, University of Nottingham, UK
- Shin-ya Katsumata, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Daan Leijen, Microsoft Research, USA
- Shin-Cheng Mu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- Dominic Orchard, University of Kent, UK
- Peter-Michael Osera, Grinnell College, USA
- Zoe Paraskevopoulou, Princeton University, USA
- Alberto Pardo, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay
- Matthieu Sozeau, University of Paris Diderot, Paris 7, France
- Niki Vazou, University of Maryland, USA (co-chair)

*Submission details*
Submissions should fall into one of two categories:

- Regular research papers (12 pages)
- Extended abstracts (2 pages)

The bibliography will not be counted against the page limits for either

Regular research papers are expected to present novel and interesting
research results, and will be included in the formal proceedings. Extended
abstracts should report work in progress that the authors would like to
present at the workshop. Extended abstracts will be distributed to workshop
attendees but will not be published in the formal proceedings.

We welcome submissions from PC members (with the exception of the two
co-chairs), but these submissions will be held to a higher standard.

Submission is handled through HotCRP:


All submissions should be in portable document format (PDF) and formatted
using the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines:


Note that the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines have changed from previous
years! In particular, submissions should use the new ‘acmart’ format and
the two-column ‘sigplan’ subformat (not to be confused with the one-column
‘acmlarge’ subformat!).

Extended abstracts must be submitted with the label ‘Extended abstract’
clearly in the title.

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