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YR-CONCUR 2018, Call for papers
8th Young Researchers Workshop on Concurrency Theory (YR-CONCUR), 2018 
A satellite workshop of CONCUR 2018 
September 3rd, 2018, Beijing, China 

*Aims and objectives*
This workshop aims at providing a platform for PhD students and young 
researchers who recently completed their doctoral studies, to exchange new 
results related to concurrency theory 
and receive feedback on their research. Focus is on informal discussions. 
Excellent master students working on concurrency theory are also encouraged to 

*Important Dates*
Deadline for 4-page abstracts: June 8th, 2018 
Notification of acceptance: July 6th, 2018 
Workshop: September 3rd, 2018 

YR-CONCUR 2018 is a satellite workshop of CONCUR 2018 and will be held on 
September 3rd, 2018. It is anticipated that many CONCUR participants will 
attend the YR-workshop (and vice versa). 
Presentations are selected on the basis of an abstract of up to 4 pages (incl. 
references) describing the research. No particular format is required. 
Submissions are judged on the expected interest in 
and quality of the talk. The accepted abstracts will be made available at the 
workshop, but no formal proceedings are planned. It is thus also allowed (and 
encouraged) to send results that have been 
published at other conferences (although preferably not at CONCUR 2018 or any 
of its other satellite workshops). 

4-page abstracts should be submitted via the YR-CONCUR 2018 submission page on 
the EasyChair system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=yrconcur2018. 

Constantin Enea (IRIF, Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7), France) 
Fu Song (ShanghaiTech University, China) 

Dr. Fu SONG 
School of Information Science and Technology,ShanghaiTech University
Addr: Room 1A-504C, SIST Building, No.393 Huaxia Middle Road, Pudong Area 
Tel: +86-(0)21-20685397, +86-15921769918

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