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Deon Digital and DIKU are looking for a postdoc in *formal verification for
formal compositional contracts* in a domain-specific language specifying
rules (obligations, permissions, prohibitions) without conflating these
with specific execution strategies (as done in smart contracts). Contracts
are hosted on a variety of blockchain/distributed ledger systems. The
postdoc is to develop proof-assisted semantic foundations and verification
technology (for example--but not necessarily--in Coq) for guaranteed sound
contract analysis and reasoning, ranging from basic security and privacy
properties to quantitative analysis of resources and time constraints to
guard against both errors and traps in (smart) contracts.

Application: Now until June 10th, 2018.

*Position*: The postdoc is a 2-year position co-funded by Deon Digital and
the Danish Innovation Foundation; it carries a competitive salary,
advantageous tax status for researchers moving to Denmark, and shares in
Deon Digital; it is automatically converted into a permanent position at
Deon Digital after the postdoc period. The postdoc will work with Prof.
Fritz Henglein and his colleagues at the Programming Languages and
Theoretical Computer Science section at DIKU; and with Dr. Jesper Andersen
at Deon Digital Denmark and his team at Deon Digital Denmark (all of whom
are computer scientists with a background in semantics-based programming
language theory and technology).

*Requirements*: Relevant Ph.D. in computer science, awarded by end of June
2018, with documented high research quality.  Maximum 6 months of work in
private sector since start of Ph.D. studies (requirement by funding
agency).  Interest in working in congenial, self-organizing environments at
both Deon Digital and DIKU.  Flexible remote work from home is possible in
the beginning, but an eventual move to Copenhagen is expected.

*Application*: If you are interested in the position, please send your CV,
1-3 papers, and (links to some of) your open source software contributions
(if any) by email to Fritz Henglein, hengl...@diku.dk.  The position is
open now.  Applications will be accepted from now until *June 10th, 2018*;
they will be processed on an ongoing (first-come) basis.

*DIKU* (diku.dk) is the Department of Computer Science at the University of
Copenhagen with 40+ junior and senior faculty researching fundamentals and
applications of algorithms, programming languages and systems, data
science, machine learning, image processing, human-computer interaction,
and more.  DIKU's research is consistently ranked highly.   Its newly
formed section on Programming Languages and Theoretical Computer Science is
located on the North Campus in Copenhagen, 15 minutes (by bicycle or public
transportation) from Deon Digital's R&D center.

*Deon Digital* (deondigital.com) is a rapidly growing Zürich-based start-up
developing domain-specific language technology for blockchain/distributed
ledger-hosted contracts, with applications in finance, insurance, pensions,
mobility (transportation), logistics, supply chain, commodity trading and
more.  Its research and development center is located in the Christianshavn
section of Copenhagen, close to DIKU, the city center and 10 minutes from
Copenhagen airport.
Fritz Henglein
Professor of Programming Languages and Systems
Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (DIKU)

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