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1st Workshop on Proof Theory
Ghent, September 6-7, 2018
Deadline for registration:  1 July 2018

Colocated with the workshop is the
1st International Summer School on Proof Theory
Ghent, September 2-5, 2018
Deadline for registration: 15 July 2018

Important dates
- workshop registration deadline           1 July 2018
- summer school application deadline      15 July 2018
- summer school                     2-5 September 2018
- workshop                          6-7 September 2018

The 1st Workshop on Proof Theory and its Applications, organised under the
auspices of The Proof Society, will bring together researchers on proof
theory and its applications. The aim of the meeting is to reflect on the
mission of The Proof Society, through a series of invited and contributed
talks, as well as a panel discussion.

The mission of The Proof Society is to support the notion of proof in its
broadest sense, through a series of suitable activities; to be therefore
inclusive in reaching out to all scientific areas which consider proof as
an object in their studies; to enable the community to shape its future by
identifying, formulating and communicating it most important goals; to
actively promote proof to increase its visibility and representation.

Invited Speakers
The following researchers have accepted to speak at the workshop:

Andrew Arana (Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Rosalie Iemhoff (Utrecht University)
Dale Miller (Inria Saclay and LIX)
Paulo Oliva (Queen Mary University of London)
Pavel Pudlák (Czech Academy of Sciences)
Michael Rathjen (University of Leeds)
Albert Visser (Utrecht University)


To register follow the instructions on the website.  Limited number of
slots for contributed talks are available, submissions for contributed
talks are collected via registration.  Deadline for registration is 1 July

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