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Dear colleagues,

We are organizing a symposium on Molecular Logic and Computational synthetic 
biology (http://mlcsb2018.web.ua.pt/).
We would be glad if you kindly could disseminate this call for papers among 
TYPES members.
We think that some of them can be interested.

Thank you very much for your help,
Yours sincerely,

Manuel António.

# MLCSB2018
Call for Papers
December, 17-18, 2018, Santiago de Chile, Chile

Synthetic biology aims at the design of biological systems in a systematic way, 
a process whose hallmark characteristics closely resemble the composition of 
software: off-the-shelf parts and devices with standard connections, the usual 
ingredients for assembling components into increasingly complex systems. Of 
course, a number of key enabling technologies are specifically biological, for 
example, DNA sequencing and fabrication. But, on the other hand, there is also 
a need for new models to cope with the complex and heterogeneous nature of 
biological systems.
This Symposium aims at harnessing logical and algebraic methods for modelling 
and verifying systems on the interaction of Nature and Computation, around two 
main themes:
- development of biological computation models and devices
- application of new computing paradigms to the design of biological systems.

Original submissions are required in any topic from the following, non 
exclusive list:
-       Molecular logic
-       Chemistry, biology and computation
-       Quantum computing applications to biology
-       Computational synthetic biology
-       Control theory and/or algorithms for biological systems
-       Reconfigurability and adaptation
-       Probabilistic biological models
-       Hybrid systems for biology
Submissions on general computational models that are applicable to a biological 
context, such as probabilistic, hybrid, weighted, resource-based, and 
time-based are also welcome.

** The workshop is promoted by the project Klee - Coalgebraic Modeling and 
Analysis for Computational Synthetic Biology, a R&D project supported by the 
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (http://klee.di.uminho.pt)

** Submission: All contributions should be written in English, prepared in 
LaTeX, using llncs style, and submitted as PDF files following instructions 
available from the symposium website. A page limit of 15 pages for full papers 
is established. Extended abstracts with preliminary results and work in 
progress (2-5 pages) are also welcomed for short presentations. Both kinds of 
submissions should be done via the Online Conference System (OCS) of Springer 
using the link https://ocs.springer.com/ocs/home/MLCSB2018.
Proceedings with the full papers will be published by Springer LNCS Series.

** Program Chairs: Madalena Chaves (Inria, France) and Manuel A. Martins (U. 
Aveiro, Portugal)

** Invited Speakers: Marta Kwiatkowska (U. Oxford, U.K); Hidde de Jong (Inria, 
Grenoble, France) and Alexandre Madeira (U. Minho, Portugal)

** Important dates:
- Abstract deadline: 8 September 2018; Full paper deadline: 15 September 2018
- Author notification: 15 October 2018; Camera ready: 30 October 2018

** Detailed information can be found on the webpage.

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