[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

Dear Types readers,

A position as Full Professor is available at the Department of Computer 
Science, Aarhus University (www.cs.au.dk<http://www.cs.au.dk/>).

The Department of Computer Science (www.cs.au.dk<http://www.cs.au.dk>) at 
Aarhus University is looking for an excellent and visionary Full Professor to 
push the frontiers of Computer Science research. Aarhus University - an 
international top-100 University - has made an ambitious strategic investment 
in a 5-year recruitment plan to radically expand the Department of Computer 
Science.Therefore, we seek researchers driven by excellence in research and 
visions for the future digitization agenda, to, join the department and 
collaborate with our world-class researchers. The position is open from 
September 1st 2019.

for the official call text.

Application Deadline: Monday June 3, 2019.

Best wishes,

Lars Birkedal
Professor, Head of Logic and Semantics Group
Department of Computer Science
Aarhus University

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