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DBPL 2020: 18th International Symposium on Database Programming Languages
September 4, 2020. Tokyo, Japan (co-located with VLDB 2020)

First Call For Papers             http://dbpl.vldb2020.org

Submission deadline: May 4, 2020

DBPL 2020 solicits theoretical and practical papers in all areas of
Data-Centric Programming Languages.

For over 30 years, DBPL has established itself as the principal venue
for publishing and discussing new ideas at the intersection of broadly
understood databases and programming languages. Many key contributions
in query languages for object-oriented data, persistent databases,
nested relational data, and semistructured data, as well as
fundamental ideas in types for query languages, were first announced
at DBPL. Today, this creative research area is broadening into a
subfield of data-centric computation, currently scattered among a
range of venues. DBPL is an established destination for such new ideas
and solicits submissions from researchers in databases, programming
languages or any other community interested in the design,
implementation or foundations of data-centric computation.

Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest for submissions include:
  * Language-Integrated Query Mechanisms
  * Emerging and Nontraditional Data Models
  * Compiling Query Languages to Modern Hardware
  * Data-Centric Programming Abstractions, Comprehensions, Monads
  * Data Integration, Exchange, and Interoperability
  * Data Synchronization and Bidirectional Transformations
  * Declarative Data Centers (e.g., distributed query processing, serverless
    computing platforms, social computing platforms, etc)
  * Language-Based Security in Data Management
  * Managing Uncertain and Imprecise Information
  * Metaprogramming and Heterogeneous Staged Computation
  * Programming Language Support for Data-Centric Programming (e.g.,
    web programming, machine learning, etc)
  * Query Compilation and In-memory Databases
  * Query Language Design and Implementation
  * Query Transformation and Optimization
  * Schema Mapping and Metadata Management
  * Semantics and Verification of Database Systems
  * Stream Data Processing and Query Languages
  * Type and Effect Systems for Data-Centric Programming


We invite submissions in two categories: full and short
papers. Submissions in either category must be written in English and
submitted, by the submission deadline, as PDF files formatted
according to the EPTCS style (http://info.eptcs.org)

*Full papers* are expected to present original research or
development. They should be no more than 12 pages long, excluding
references. Each submission should begin with a succinct statement of
the problem and the summary of main results. Authors may provide
more details to substantiate claims of the paper by including
a clearly marked appendix at the end of the submission, which is not
included in the page limit and is read at the discretion of the

*Short papers* of at most 6 pages may describe work in progress,
demos, research challenges or visions. Accepted short papers may be
excluded from the formal proceedings at authors' request.

Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere.  Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally
published workshops proceedings may be submitted.

Review is single-blind, so authors do not need to anonymize their
PC submissions are allowed, except for the co-chairs.

Accepted papers will be published by EPTCS (Electronic Proceedings in
Theoretical Computer Science) and will be freely accessible.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: May 4, 2020 (Anywhere on Earth)
Author notification: June 28, 2020
Final version due: July 26, 2020
Symposium: September 4, 2020

*IMPORTANT NOTE*: We, and the VLDB organizers, are continuously
monitoring the COVID-19 situation. The symposium is half a year away,
and we are hopeful that the COVID-19 emergency will pass over and the
symposium will be held in September, as planned. If necessary,
alternative solutions such as remote presentations are to be

Yasunori Ishihara, Nanzan University, Japan
Oleg Kiselyov, Tohoku University, Japan

Program Committee

Alexander Alexandrov  (VMWare, Bulgaria)
Aggelos Biboudis      (EPFL, Switzerland)
George H. L. Fletcher (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands)
Torsten Grust      (Universitaet Tuebingen, Germany)
Hideyuki Kawashima    (Keio University, Japan)
Hsiang-Shang Ko       (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Sebastian Link        (The University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Filip Murlak      (University of Warsaw, Poland)
SÅ‚awek Staworko       (University of Lille, France)

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