[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

The W3Proof project at Inria Saclay proposes to build the foundations for a
distributed Web-like platform for developing, sharing, and certifying
formal proofs, independent of any particular proof assistant.

We are looking for a Ph.D. candidate to work on this project. Candidates
should know the basics of proof theory, lambda-calculus, and distributed
systems technology (including cryptographic constructions for signing and
tracking of provenance, content-based naming, etc.).

This Ph.D. student position is offered by Inria and the work will be done
within the Partout team at the LIX laboratory of Ecole Polytechnique.

If you are interested in this Ph.D. position, submit
  - cover letter with your CV,
  - pdf files (or links) of some material you have written, and
  - names of 2-3 people willing to write a recommendation letter for you.

All inquiries and application material should be sent to Dale Miller
(dale.miller at inria.fr) or to Kaustuv Chaudhuri (kaustuv.chaudhuri at
inria.fr). We expect the position to start in October 2020, but there is
some flexibility with the exact start dates.

We hope to make decisions on this position by at least 10 May 2020.

More information is available at

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