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The Eleventh International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal 
Verification will take place on September 21 and 22, 2020.

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and the difficulties that are foreseen 
regarding travelling during next September, it has been decided to organise the 
symposium online. The organisation will be as follows:

-the authors of accepted papers will be invited to record a 25 minutes 
presentation of their paper

-these presentations will be made available to the registered participants 
(with no fees) to the conference a few days before the conference

-four invited talks will be given live during the online conference

-each invited talk will be followed by a Q/A session on papers grouped by 
topics. Each such session will open with 5 minutes short presentations of each 
of the papers of the session by one of their author.



The aim of GandALF 2020 is to bring together researchers from academia and 
industry which are actively working in the fields of Games, Automata, Logics, 
and Formal Verification. The idea is to cover an ample spectrum of themes, 
ranging from theory to applications, and stimulate cross-fertilisation.

Papers focused on formal methods are especially welcome. Authors are invited to 
submit original research or tool papers on all relevant topics in these areas. 
Papers discussing new ideas that are at an early stage of development are also 
welcome. The topics covered by the conference include, but are not limited to, 
the following:

-Automata Theory
-Automated Deduction
-Computational aspects of Game Theory
-Concurrency and Distributed computation
-Decision Procedures
-Deductive, Compositional, and Abstraction Techniques for Verification
-Finite Model Theory
-First-order and Higher-order Logics
-Formal Languages
-Formal Methods for Systems Biology, Hybrid, Embedded, and Mobile Systems
-Games and Automata for Verification
-Game Semantics
-Logical aspects of Computational Complexity
-Logics of Programs
-Modal and Temporal Logics
-Model Checking
-Models of Reactive and Real-Time Systems
-Probabilistic Models (Markov Decision processes)
-Program Analysis and Software Verification
-Reinforcement Learning
-Run-time Verification and Testing
-Specification and Verification of Finite and Infinite-state Systems

– Abstract submission: June 13, 2020
– Paper submission: June 15, 2020
– Notification: July 20, 2020
– Camera-ready: August 25, 2020
- Conference: September 21-23, 2020

The proceedings will be published by Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical 
Computer Science. Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit a 
revised version of their work to a special issue of Information and 
Computation. The previous editions of GandALF already led to special issues of 
the International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (GandALF 2010), 
Theoretical Computer Science (GandALF 2011 and 2012), Information and 
Computation (GandALF 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2017, the latter ones are still in 
progress), and Acta Informatica (GandALF 2015).

Submitted papers should not exceed fourteen (14) pages using EPTCS format 
(please use the LaTeX style provided at http://style.eptcs.org), be unpublished 
and contain original research. For papers reporting experimental results, 
authors are encouraged to make their data available with their submission. 
Submissions must be in PDF or PS format and will be handled via the EasyChair 
Conference system at the following address:




Davide Bresolin, University of Padova (Italy)
Jean-François Raskin, Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)


Galit Ashenazi, University of Tel Aviv (Israël)
Véronique Bruyère, UMons (Belgium)
Janos Flesch, U Maastricht (The Netherlands)
Jean-François Raskin, Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)


Alessandro Abate, University of Oxford (UK)
Galit Ashkenazi-Golan, Tel-Aviv university (Israel)
Benedikt Bollig, ENS Cachan, CNRS (France)
Pedro   Cabalar, University of Corunna (Spain)
Franck Cassez, Macquarie University (Australia)
Silvia Crafa, Universita' di Padova (Italy)
Rüdiger Ehlers, Clausthal University of Technology (Germany)
Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Uppsala University (Sweden)
János   Flesch  , Maastricht University (The Netherlands)
Jan Kretinsky, Technical University of Munich (Germany)
Orna Kupferman, Hebrew University (Israel)
Sławomir Lasota, Warsaw University (Poland)
Ranko   Lazic, University of Warwick (UK)
Jérôme Leroux, University of Bordeaux (France)
Radu Mardare, University of Strathclyde (UK)
Angelo Montanari, University of Udine (Italy)
Emilio  Muñoz-Velasco, University of Malaga (Spain)
Gennaro Parlato, University of Molise (Italy)
Mickael Randour, Université de Mons (Belgium)
Sriram  Sankaranarayanan, University of Colorado (USA)
B Srivathsan, Chennai Mathematical Institute (India)
Martin  Zimmermann, University of Liverpool (UK)

Luca Aceto (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
Javier Esparza (University of Munich, Germany)
Salvatore La Torre (University of Salerno, Italy)
Angelo Montanari (University of Udine, Italy)
Mimmo Parente (University of Salerno, Italy)
Wolfgang Thomas (Aachen University, Germany)

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