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# Call for Contributions #

Special issue of JLAMP for the 12th Workshop on Programming Language
Approaches to Concurrency and Communication cEntric Software
(PLACES) 2020


This special issue of the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods
in Programming (JLAMP) is devoted to the topics of the 12th
International Workshop on Programming Language Approaches to
Concurrency and Communication-cEntric Software (PLACES 2020), which
was planned to be a satellite event of ETAPS. This is however an
**open call** for papers, therefore both participants of the
workshop and other authors are encouraged to submit their

## Scope ##

Applications today are built using numerous interacting services;
soon off-the-shelf CPUs will host thousands of cores, and sensor
networks will be composed from a large number of processing
units. Many applications need to make effective use of thousands of
computing nodes. At some level of granularity, computation in such
systems is inherently concurrent and communication-centred.
Effectively programming such applications is challenging;
performance, correctness, and scalability are difficult to achieve.

Submissions are welcomed in the general area of programming language
approaches to concurrency, communication, and distribution and may
range from foundational issues to language implementations,
applications (such as scientific computing) and case studies. Please
visit the above website for more detailed topics of interest.

## Submission ##

We expect original articles (roughly 20-30 pages) that present
high-quality contributions that have not been previously published
in another journal and that must not be simultaneously submitted for
publication elsewhere. Extended versions of papers published in the
workshop's proceedings are permitted. Longer papers will be
considered if there is a clear justification for why additional
pages are necessary; authors should contact the guest editors to
discuss this. Each paper will undergo a thorough evaluation by at
least two reviewers. The authors will have about one month to
incorporate the comments of the reviewers and submit a revised
version of their papers, which will be evaluated again by the
reviewers to make a final decision. Contributions should be typeset
in PDF format and must comply with JLAMP's author guidelines (see
website for details).

When submitting your paper, place choose "SI: PLACES 2020" from the
"Article Type Name" drop down list.

## Guest editors ##

* Stephanie Balzer (Carnegie Mellon University) <balz...@cs.cmu.edu 
* Luca Padovani (Università di Torino) <luca.padov...@unito.it 

## Dates ##

Submission deadline: **16th October 2020**
Acceptance notification: **19th February 2021**

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