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Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations
(HoTT/UF 2022, co-located with FSCD 2022)


Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations
July 31 - August 1, 2022, Haifa, Israel
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://hott-uf.github.io/2022/__;!!IBzWLUs!AQ0FLG6ZucDzP2_oRgb7N80MTAPfWFTI_2c2sJyrtmVix0hL7mOjI9-GlnNXsSCOLFP8BSk2lndqRQ$ Co-located with FSCD 2022 https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/*nachumd/FSCD/__;fg!!IBzWLUs!AQ0FLG6ZucDzP2_oRgb7N80MTAPfWFTI_2c2sJyrtmVix0hL7mOjI9-GlnNXsSCOLFP8BSnAdNZPPA$ Abstract submission deadline: 10 May 2022


Homotopy Type Theory is a young area of logic, combining ideas from
several established fields: the use of dependent type theory as a
foundation for mathematics, inspired by ideas and tools from abstract
homotopy theory. Univalent Foundations are foundations of mathematics
based on the homotopical interpretation of type theory.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested
in all aspects of Homotopy Type Theory/Univalent Foundations: from the
study of syntax and semantics of type theory to practical
formalization in proof assistants based on univalent type theory. As
part of the workshop there will be an introductory tutorial intended
to make the invited and contributed talks accessible to non-experts.

# Invited speakers

* Eric Finster (University of Birmingham)
* Kristina Sojakova (INRIA Paris)
* Taichi Uemura (Stockholm University)

# Submissions

* Abstract submission deadline: 10 May 2022
* Author notification: mid June 2022

Submissions should consist of a title and a 1-2 pages abstract, in pdf
format, via 

Considering the broad background of the expected audience, we encourage
authors to include information of pedagogical value in their abstract,
such as motivation and context of their work.

# Program committee

* Benedikt Ahrens (Delft University of Technology and U of Birmingham)
* Carlo Angiuli (Carnegie Mellon University)
* Evan Cavallo (Stockholm University)
* Chris Kapulkin (Western University)
* Nicolai Kraus (University of Nottingham)
* Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine (Stockholm University)
* Anja Petković Komel (Vienna University of Technology)
* Paige Randall North (University of Pennsylvania)
* Christian Sattler (Chalmers University of Technology)
* Michael Shulman (University of San Diego)
* Théo Winterhalter (Max Planck Institute, Bochum)

# Organizers

* Benedikt Ahrens (Delft University of Technology and U of Birmingham)
* Evan Cavallo (Stockholm University)
* Chris Kapulkin (Western University)
* Anja Petković Komel (Vienna University of Technology)
* Paige Randall North (University of Pennsylvania)

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