[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
     http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-announce ]

We are looking for a software development engineer to support research projects on formal methods, in particular on programming languages and type systems.

The person recruited will be shared between three computer science laboratories in Paris region: IRIF, LIPN and LMF. The working place could be any of the three laboratories, in agreement with the recruited person and according to the needs of the projects. Moreover, telecommuting can be considered according to the regulations in place at CNRS.

*Application deadline: March the 17th
*Duration: 12 months renewable

For more information and to apply: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR7030-VERCRI-001/Default.aspx?lang=EN__;!!IBzWLUs!Ql7d-5vXucfT0TJ6Zh7-PXtI2V03lVo4adfzHFugRsS9ehiH4ccySl4PhFGqu1MhyOXhMFyasSyKXUTs5T-z8emk$
best regards

Giuseppe Castagna



*Giuseppe CASTAGNA
**Directeur de l'IRIF*

Institut de Recherche en
Informatique Fondamentale

Unité Mixte de Recherche
*CNRS *et *Université Paris Cité*


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