[ The Types Forum (announcements only),
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Dear All,

The Computer science and engineering department at Chalmers university of technology and University of Gothenburg has now an opening for four PhD student positions to be placed at the University of Gothenburg.
_Deadline for application is 20th of August._

There is a list of potential projects and supervisor, among them

*Nils Anders Danielsson* on /Formalising cubical type theory /


*Christian Sattler* on /Homotopy type theory and constructive higher category theory/

If you are interested in these topics please consider applying for the positions!

Please observe that one is employed during the phd studies in Sweden, with all normal benefits an employee has (pension, sick leave, parental leave, etc).

For more information about the possible projects and the applications process please visit

https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://web103.reachmee.com/ext/I005/1035/job?site=7__;!!IBzWLUs!T1wjOX95B4BoZ-Yl58tX-ebRg0gehM1Ybx1dpEQIzkHRrtszhYC5Q9vuEYTaP7hndn4HaO9KmS_ikoArRtlBXDUjsTP1RQ$ Do not hesitate to contact Nils Anders <n...@chalmers.se> or Christian <satt...@chalmers.se> directly if you have further questions about these particular projects.

-- Ana Bove, Docent
Phone: (46)(31) 772 1020
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.cse.chalmers.se/*bove__;fg!!IBzWLUs!T1wjOX95B4BoZ-Yl58tX-ebRg0gehM1Ybx1dpEQIzkHRrtszhYC5Q9vuEYTaP7hndn4HaO9KmS_ikoArRtlBXDXU-4fQ6Q$ Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers Univ. of Technology and Univ. of Gothenburg

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