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The name catamorphism appears to have been chosen by Lambert Meertens [1].
The category theoretic machinery behind these was resolved by Grant Malcolm
[2][3], and they were popularized by Meijer, Fokkinga and Paterson[4][5].
The name comes from the Greek 'κατα-' meaning "downward or according to". A
useful mnemonic is to think of a catastrophe destroying something.

1. L. Meertens. First Steps towards the theory of Rose Trees. Draft Report,
CWI, Amsterdam, 1987. 
2. G. Malcolm. PhD. Thesis. University of Gronigen, 1990. 
3. G. Malcolm. Data structures and program transformation. Science of
Computer Programming, 14:255--279, 1990. 
4. E. Meijer. Calculating Compilers, Ph.D Thesis, Utrecht State University,
5. E. Meijer, M. Fokkinga, R. Paterson, Functional Programming with Bananas,
Lenses, Envelopes and Barbed Wire, 5th ACM Conference on Functional
Programming Languages and Computer Architecture. 
6. T. Uustalu, V. Vene. Coding Recursion a la Mendler. Proceedings 2nd
Workshop on Generic Programming, WGP'2000, Ponte de Lima, Portugal, 6 July
7. T. Uustalu, V. Vene, A. Pardo. Recursion schemes from Comonads. Nordic
Journal of Computing. Volume 8 , Issue 3 (Fall 2001). 366--390, 2001
8. E. Kmett. Catamorphism. The Comonad.Reader, 2008. 

I hope this helps.

- Gergely

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