[ The Types Forum, http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list ]

An older work in which you have a limited form of intersection types is:

G. Castagna and G. Chen: Dependent types with subtyping and late-bound overloading. Information and Computation, vol. 168, n. 1, pag. 1-67, 2001. https://www.irif.fr/~gc/papers/infcomp99.pdf

and you may be also interested in

AC96b. D. Aspinall and A. Compagnoni. Subtyping dependent types. In Proc. 11th Annual Synposium on Logic
in Computer Science, IEEE, pages 86–97, 1996


On 12/12/17 11:45, Gabriel Scherer wrote:
[ The Types Forum, http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list ]

There is a language with dependent types and subtyping (including
contravariant functions) in:

   Normalization by Evaluation for Sized Dependent Types
   Andreas Abel, Andrea Vezzosi, and Theo Winterhalter (2017)

However, subtyping there is not "higher-order" in the sense of having
type-indexed parameters themselves indicate a variance (you cannot
abstract over all covariant parametrized types) -- pi-types only track
relevant and irrelevant abstraction. In contrast, see the
"higher-order subtyping" for F-omega-sub in

   Polarized Subtyping for Sized Types
   Andreas Abel, 2008

For higher-order subtyping in dependent systems, the two references
I know of happen to be also mentioned on the nLab wiki:


they are the work by Harper and Licata on directed type theory (and
Dan Licata's PhD thesis), and Andreas Nuyts' master thesis.

   2-Dimensional directed dependent type theory
   Robert Harper, Dan Licata, 2011

   Dependently Typed Programming with Domain-Specific Logics
   Dan Licata, 2011

   Towards a Directed Homotopy Type Theory based on 4 Kinds of Variance
   Andreas Nuyts, 2015

On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 10:57 AM, Giacomo Bergami <giacomo.berga...@unibo.it
[ The Types Forum, http://lists.seas.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/types-list

Hello Everyone,

           I am trying to check if it is possible to do reflection (as in
Java) using "type safe" languages and, therefore, I am wondering if there
is a language having dependent types with subtyping (in particular, I'm not
talking of subtyping as in types' universes, but as in record subtyping).
All the infos I got was a paper by Luca Cardelli dated 2000/2001 but, since
then, it seems that whether the type system is consistent or not is still
an open problem ( http://lucacardelli.name/Papers/Dependent%
20Typechecking.US.pdf ).
            Therefore, I'm wondering if there are any advances on this
regard: moreover, it seems to be that no proof assistant supports this
            Thanks in advance for any reply,

      Giacomo Bergami
      Ph.D Student
      University of Bologna

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