Scott Laird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Jan 2, 2006, at 12:05 PM, Piers Cawley wrote:
>> Scott Laird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> It's been a slow month.  I'd really like to get a few fixes
>>> integrated, but something bizarre is going on with Ruby on my laptop;
>>> once I get Ruby working again I'll start working through the backlog
>>> of patches.
>> I'm currently having problems getting everything passing its tests
>> with Rails 1.0; something to do with categories not being saved, and
>> I've no clue why it's not working. Oh, and I've got a possible new job
>> lined up and a car to get serviced and... Once I've got that squared
>> away though I hope to be able to commit 1 full day a week working on
>> Typo. Probably Tuesdays.
> Heh.  I've been in a similar boat, with a new job 700 miles from  
> home.  Fortunately, it looks like my schedule will calm back down  
> later this week and I should be able to get more accomplished with Typo.

That and Christmas/New Year/Housewarming. Mmm... new house.

Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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