"Scott Laird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> [Wow, that was ugly.  I've never really tried pasting code into gmail
> before.  Let's see if this works]
> Heh.  Easy.  Since we're single-threaded, we can just do:
>   def perform_action_without_filters
>     scope_for_content = {:find => {:conditions => "blog_id =
> #{this_blog.id}"},
>                          :create => {:blog_id => this_blog.id}}
>     Content.with_scope(scope_for_content) do
>       Article.with_scope(scope_for_content) do
>         Comment.with_scope(scope_for_content) do
>           Trackback.with_scope(scope_for_content) do
>             Page.with_scope(scope_for_content) do
>               $blog_id = this_blog.id
>               super
>             end
>           end
>         end
>       end
>     end
>     class Content
>       def initialize
>         ...
>         self.blog_id = $blog_id
>       end
>     end
> Should work.  It's horrifically ugly, but it should end up working.

If we're happy with monkeying with undocumented methods, then it's
better to just avoid the global and do:

    class Content
      def initialize(attributes = {})
        attributes.reverse_merge!(scope(:create)) if scoped?(:create)

> I'm not really advocating doing it this way, but it's probably the
> shortest path to working multi-blog support.  It's also the shortest
> path to madness, but we might be able to extract it into something
> less evil.

See above. I'll have a crack at doing a spike with this approach
tomorrow (well, later today, after I've been asleep for a bit).

Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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