Sorry for any problems you've been experiencing folks. I'm trying to
get sidebars to a point where we can test them automatically, which
will hopefully mean that problems like you've been experiencing will
be a thing of of the past.

I am, however, reasonably confident that, with the current trunk (r999
and above), and starting from an empty sidebars table[1] you should be able
to populate your sidebar quite happily from the standard sidebar set
and have your changes saved without any problems.

If anyone is still having problems with core sidebars, starting from
an empty sidebar, then please start a ticket in the trac[2] with as
much information as possible including log traces and exactly what it
was you were trying to do.

I'm afraid my time to work on this is somewhat limited all of a
sudden; I've just had a big influx of paying work that's eating into
my time -- instead of having three or four days a week to work on typo I'm
going to be lucky to grab one or two for the next while. 

1. You can empty your production sidebars table by doing:

  $ ./script/runner -e production 'Sidebar.delete_all'

If you're running in development mode, replace 'production' with
'development' and it should purge the table. However, only do this if
you've got problems with your current sidebar set.


Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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