Le 6 août 08 à 19:23, Chris Dagdigian a écrit :

Hi folks,

I've been running http://gridengine.info off of Typo for a while now, thanks for a nice package!

Because my site tracks a particular open source software product I sometimes need to put version numbers into article tags for easy characterizing.

Prior to the most recent Typo upgrade, tags like "6.3" did not work at all, something about Rails or Typo can't handle the "." character.

Now running the latest Typo I see something odd ...

Tags that use multiple "." characters get remapped to "-":

6.2.0 becomes a tag called "6-2-0" on Typo

But a tag named "6.2" is left unmodified, with no funky rewriting.

As a test that proves the issue I added tags for "6.2.0" and "6.2" to the following post:


... the "6.2.0" tag is handled via changing "." to "-" but the "6.2" tag is left unchanged and does not work.

Is the use of "." chars in tags an issue with Rails in general or should I write up an Issue against the Typo issue tracker?



first, sorry for not replying faster, I was in holliday and got internet access only tonight. Trying to answer the pile of mails that's waiting for me.

This all comes from a basic thing I forgot to do before releasing.

I was quite pissed off with Typo not andling my cool web2.0 tag just because it was actually looking for a web2.0 file, and not for a page named web2.0. So I added the same behaviour as categories : replace the '.' with a '-' which actually works. I just incidentaly forgot to do a proper migration to change your '.' in '-' with the proper 301 redirects. I add this to the TODO for the 5.1.3 bugfix release which may come as soon as I'm really back from holliday.


Frédéric de Villamil
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        tel: +33 (0)6 62 19 1337
http://fredericdevillamil.com             Typo : http://typosphere.org

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