Hi Ricardo,

there are two patches available to solve the problem of using DAM and workspaces. I use them now since a few weeks. You can now upload files in workspace. There are correctly indexed. You have then to publish the meta information to get the correct image caption, pdf description, ...

The patches are also pending in dam list.

The links to the bugtracker:

The first one solves the issue of duplicated contents, the second one shows the correct meta information in preview mode of a workspace.
Make sure to use the 11083.patch.


Am 25.03.2010 09:57, schrieb Riccardo De Contardi:
Hello and thank you for your answer!

It's quite a shame, because I think it's a very great extension, but
workspaces are mandatory for me.
I've even bought the book "TYPO3 4.3 Multimedia Cookbook" to learn to
use it in a more effective way.

Thanks again and good work!!
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