Thanks guys, for the fast responses, I'll have a look what I can find on this issue in the bugtracker.

On 02/13/2011 06:06 PM, JoH asenau wrote:
Actually this was made by the whole T3UXW team - I was just part of it and the
presenter of the video.

You're right, having been there I should know. Great work, anyhow.

Drag & Drop has been postponed to 4.6.

Would have been a great feature for the LTS version, but well, there will always be something on the wishlist.

But there is a workaround to speed up the stuff you currently have to do 

Go to the list view and click on the table header of the tt_content table. Then
select the colPos field to be shown in the list.

Now click on the pencil icon left of the column header and you should be able to
change the colPos selectors of each element of this page in one go.

I know, but that's not the kind of thing I can explain to most editors who only just start using the BE.

Thanks for the input anyway.
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